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SCAR Squadron - Task Force 99

Task Force 99, also known as Special Commando Advanced Recon, or shortly as SCAR Squadron, was an elite Imperialstormtrooper squad led by Sergeant Kreel. 


  1. Sniper - Misty

    "Misty" was the nickname of a Special Commando Advanced Recon trooper in Task Force 99, a squad within the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. Acting as the squad's sniper, Misty accompanied the task force under the command of Sergeant Kreel to Sunspot Prison, an Alliance to Restore the Republic prison where the Imperial prisoner Kolar Ludd was being kept.

  2. Tech - Mic

    "Mic" was the nickname of a Special Commando Advanced Recon trooper in Task Force 99, a squad within the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. Mic served as the squad's slicer, capable of breaking into and decrypting enemy computer systems.

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  3. Heavy Weapons - Zuke

    "Zuke" was the nickname of a Special Commando Advanced Recon trooper in Task Force 99, a squad within the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. Zuke served as the squad'smuscle.

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  4. Engineer/Pilot - Aero

    Aero was a Scar Trooper in Kreel's stormtrooper squad. He was the engineer of the squad.

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  5. Flamethrower - Shrap

    Shrap was an elite stormtrooper in Kreel's stormtrooper squad, Task Force 99 that specialised in demolitions and heavy weapons use. He wielded a flamethrower and explosive charges in his missions. He participated in Task Force 99s mission to the Ghost Moon to destroy a rebel outpost.

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