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Task Force 99 / SCAR Squadron

Information for Task Force 99 Stormtrooper variants.

Task Force 99, also known as Special Commando Advanced Recon, or shortly as SCAR Squadron, was an elite Imperialstormtrooper squad led by Sergeant Kreel. 


  1. Melee Specialist - Cav

    "Cav" was the nickname of an Special Commando Advanced Recon trooper in Task Force 99, a squad within the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps. Cav served as the squad's melee specialist, capable of attacking targets in close quarters combat. Cav participated in Task Force 99's mission to the Ghost Moon in order to kill a group of Rebels hiding there.

  2. Sergeant Kreel

    Sergeant Kreel, designated Agent 5241, was an undercover stormtrooper and SCAR trooper of the Galactic Empire, serving in the 501st Legion under the direct command of Darth Vader. 


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