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  1. Looks pretty good to me. Ideally the belt wants to sit approximately half way between the bottom of the chest plate and the bottom of your crotch, which it appears to be about right. The gap between the chest and the top of the belt should be around 6", depending on your height. We've had a big debate on pouch size over on the BSN and with the current research we've determined that they are 6"x5"x2".
  2. Coming along nicely... although you forgot your biceps!
  3. I think a lot of this will come down to where the artwork originates from, and if there are any other supporting references for it. The criteria is usually as follows. 3 independent references that show the same item in place, or a 360° walk around reference of the same thing. Personally, I'm never a fan of just whacking a pauldron on a costume. Great on TK's, but they tend to look a bit daft on anything else in my opinion.
  4. Colours should be fine buddy. The armour and bund colours are slightly different anyway, so that should tie in nicely.
  5. The bund thing is fine. The movie trilogy original scout bund has 5 vertical ribs, this is a fairly recent discovery in the grand scheme of things. It was originally thought it had six. The Specs for that, which the specialist ones mirror, stated originally that either 5 or 6 would be acceptable. That has since been reviewed down to simply just 5. So the vertical lines on your bund are correct. However, the chevron on the cod section does ideally need to be more curved than pointed. And remember when placing your pouches, the diagonal edge to the flaps goes on the outside.
  6. Thumbs up from me! That's what friends are for!
  7. That's all good.... You're not the first and you won't be the last with the pouches! heheheheheh.
  8. Pouches are on the wrong sides Sall. The diagonals go outermost. Just switch them over left/right. Other than that, looks fine. I'd fiddle with the top box alignment a bit (they're a cow to get absolutely spot on). I'd bang some paint on the holster rivets and the Thermal Detonator tube and clips but other than that everything looks to be where it should be.
  9. They'll be fine flat (same for the tank topper). I tend to do the snout on the helmet gloss to match the decals, but again that's a personal preference thing. It's merely there to stop the costume being a swathe of the same 'texture'. On a costume that is all the same colour (and black at that...), there is a tendency for it to become just a 2D shape of that colour. By adding in as much as you can in terms of textural difference and contrast you help add the detail back into the costume and give it depth.
  10. We had an old saying in the body shop.... If you can p!ss, you can paint! It's not as difficult as it looks to be honest. Good preparation and a clean environment are the keys to a good paint job.
  11. The belt sits high... Usually around your waist (which is near navel level) and not down on your hips where most modern trousers seem to rest. The bund goes from just under the chest (which should be about an inch above the bottom of the chest plate) down to the top of the belt (or just below the top of the belt). The cod section then goes down from there to the crotch. It doesn't go 'under' the crotch as this is what usually causes the dreaded toe. Webbing for the drop boxes, eBay. 40mm cotton black (2mm thick). Same stuff to be used on the chest/back joins on the sides. Shoulder bridges, just use some of the same material you used for your bund. Belt, 50mm Poly Webbing (eBay again).
  12. Coming on good bro... Keep those pictures coming,
  13. You're always going to get washed out details on the Storm Commando, the whole black on black thing does take it's toll. But then you are supposed to hide into the shadows! I found using a satin paint job for the main armour and gloss detailing with the pin stripes, snout and decals helped a little bit. Not a huge amount, and they are still difficult to see unless you look closely, but it gave a little bit of a contrast. Same goes for the bund/pouches. Try to use a different material between the two, one with a heavier weave or different surface texture. This will help create contrast and depth to your costume. And for the suit and boots... The changes between the suede and cotton on the flight suit, the elastic straps, and the vinyl on the boots all add in these tiny details which stop the costume being a two dimensional black void. It's all very subtle on the Commando, but that subtlety can really make or break it. They are without doubt the meanest trooper around. It's funny, when out, even with BlackHole troopers, I get the "look, shiny black stormtroopers!... but I don't like that one... he looks evil!" (win!).
  14. And the CE3 Detachment Photo, courtesy of Adina.
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