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Everything posted by Daetrin

  1. FYI that actually this will be either on FISD or, perhaps, MEPD. FISD covers core TK white armor, whether painted or not, with accessories. This variant is just like the HWT. SpecOps owns all the other TK variants. Yes, FISD is behind on getting this sorted - both myself & the XO have had some Darth Life issues but we do want to sort it out soon. Why did I mention MEPD? Check out the open conversation on FISD here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/42077-rogue-1-tks-mepd-and-the-hwt/ It's quite possible that the HWT may move - from the original game to the current one - over to MEPD. Hope that helps
  2. Man, that is a boat load of work, but it sure will look awesome when done. Thanks for sharing your WIP!
  3. Toddo Berra? ;-) Keep it going - will be great to troop with you when done.
  4. I think the color matches really well.
  5. Thinking about it. I was a sandy for 5 years, and am thinking instead of doing another sandy going Nova Elite for a change of pace. I mean, I already have a TK for both TK/HWT, so it will be neat to work in a something that is not white armor. I had thought of doing a TB, but I can't get that Nova out of my head.
  6. Hey guys - is there a specific recommended color for the gold? Also, for the pauldron did you paint it yourself, or get it made that way?
  7. My experience is that resin BFG's are very brittle and will easily break if dropped or otherwise treated anything with kid gloves. I had a resin DC-15LR and will never own another resin job again. SciFire (buy only from Lewis or Nathan) hold up remarkably over time. I've had mine for about 4 years now, and do the drop test in front of others w/no issues. They are priced very reasonably and now come with all the DLT-19 goodies, e.g. disk, feed tray, and t-racks. Cushman's Lewis Guns I think more readily lend themselves to looking good, and while great for parades, etc. and remarkably light, won't ever be quite as detailed as SciFire. My $.02...
  8. What suit do you have? I had that same issue on my TE2 suit, but I'm pretty tall (6'). In the end rather than trying to shape/shim them I ordered shins from RT and painted them to match. Problem solved, and I can do 8 hour days including running w/no issue. I've tried the velcro route and all it ended up doing was...nothing. In the end your leg rotates and any binding will probably snap. The best long term is to get that shin to fit your leg.
  9. The helmet is unchanged as there is no new FX helmet molds. The chest/back are still a bit off, but the rest of the AM kit is much better than the FX it replaces. Also note that the FX is not being produced anymore, hence the difference in value. That said, the FX can be pimped out to look really nice and more accurate w/o much expense. I'll agree never to buy a used body suit. As Izzi says, w/o pix it's a bit of a general answer.
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