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About crow62

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  • 501st Garrison
    Ecuador Garrison

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  • Location
    Ambato - Ecuador
  • Interests
    All about Star Wars, make SW costume parts in leather, fabric, aluminium and plastic.

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  1. Hello, I am Gio ct6244 from Ecuador, I was directed here by Barret Keener, I I a phase zero armor in a box and now that it's almost done the CRL draw I'd like to start my assembly. As many of you know,I am the Crowprops owner and I can help in the boots issues. I have previous experience with videogame boots, as I can see the zero boots are very very similar to the Republic Commando, wide and square toe, same details as the clone realistic boots in the instep, if you want to know about what boots I am talking about, please go to Crowprops dot com and search Republic. I am ready to change soles, color scheme etc to help to finish this Character. Cheers Gio
  2. Hello brothers and sisters, I am Giovanni CT6244, I invested a lot of money in make moulds to make sierra replica soles, I am going to make Shadow boots from 41eur up to 46eur, I will hang more pics in the next days about the work in progress, we are making Biker scout gloves too, the attached pic show you the details, if you follow me in my crowprops social group in FB you can see more details about the soles. Gio
  3. I have more pics found in rebelscum, I hope will work, even have the dented line in the right chest portion as showed in the comic. double shoulder, mechanic hands, the helmet looks will have to be painted black in the back portion.
  4. Looks same to the second pic in the first post, the comic version, don´t you?
  5. I have a vacuum form table so will be in styrene the armor, the joints will look as black metal but I will do in black urethane rubber , I will buy or made myself this hands that looks accurated: http://www.etsy.com/...hop_home_active I am taking inspiration in the Titan robot too (google), I am figuring if the effort will be worth and if approved will be. (sounds like Yoda, LOL).
  6. Will be acceptable in the 501st. a costume like this?: Spacetrooper SL31 In the starwarswikiapedia say has 2 meters tall, looks as an ironman/stormtrooper hybrid armor, I´d like to start one, thoughts please. Gio
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