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Everything posted by mrwood8900

  1. Thank you! I'm excited to get started!
  2. Does any one have information on how to order armor from Jimi. I have the Anovos helmet and would like to get started on a set of armor.
  3. Not at all. The visor is a lot darker compared to the green lens the Anovos helmet comes with. It was a little more difficult to cut the lens out of the visor because it is curved. I used a template and a dremel to cut the shape out then I covered the lens up with tape before installing it in the helmet.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B62B5O6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_DfxGzbPCQM61P I have the Anovos DT helmet too and I hated the distortion in the original lens. I took it out and cut a new one from the sellstrom shade 3 poly carbonate grinding visor.
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