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501st Member[501st]
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About Blasty

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Garrison Carida

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  • Location
    Delaware U.S.A.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I've already posted this on the Jolly Roger Squadron Forum but I've came across a Black Series Figure of an "Inferno Squad Agent". The figure wears the exact same uniform as Iden Versio minus the pauldron. Could this be a basic Inferno Agent (Non-Hero costume?) Here are 2 pictures, one shows the figure in whole and the other shows it compared to the black series tie pilot.
  2. Oh sorry about that lol, My Helmet Came in on Tuesday, Looks very nice! Now to look for a summer job to earn the creds for the armor!
  3. Hello from the United States! I just bought my bucket from WickerMan and am super excited to get my build started! Just a question... Does anyone know where one could get the armor parts relativley cheaply? I have the Belt, butt plate, cod plate, forearms, hand plates, and thermal detonators already with the helmet on the way. Which leaves: Shins Knees Chest plate Back plate Shoulder Bells Pouches Elbows Shoes Ankle ammo packs
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