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501st Retired[501st]
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About DaveSG

501st Info

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Spanish Garrison

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  • Location
    Madrid / España

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi .... sorry for the delay ... bandoliers are made by hand, by a trooper of my garrison, with reference pics. The material is resin, the final process of painting and assembly was my job. greetings. Dave
  2. Hi ... regards It is a pleasure for me to present my new suit, formally approved. I want to thank all of you who have made ​​this project possible. Your post, your pictures and work done in the first costumes, helped me a lot. Thank you very much to all, ... I hope you like it. Dave.
  3. Thank you very much to all, .. I feel at home. Soon, I will share more progress of my costumes. Luis,..muchas gracias compañero, de verdad que es muy grato poder conversar en español,... hay varias dudas que tengo y creo que es mejor que las comparta contigo en privado,..el idioma favorecera bastante el entendimiento. te envio un privado.
  4. Hi, thanks... I looked on ebay, and only see this seller, ... mypropcollection, ... is the same as you say?
  5. Hi ... Greetings all troopers ... it is time to start sharing my progress with you all. As I said when I sign up for the detachment , my first shadow trooper armor was stolen in January, and since then I'm on waiting list for my two new projects. I will update my progress here, ... I hope your advice and criticism, whether good or bad. thank you very much to all. soon, I'll start with boots But I have a question, ... I need biker gloves, someone could help me with information on how to get them ..? thank you very much again. PS: I think the pictures are very small, will try to enlarge, soon.
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