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501st Info

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  • Location
    Killeen, Texas
  • Interests
    Reading, science, on line gaming, long range shooting, camping, painting models, family,

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Where / How do I find a DLT-19 ? What if I went and made or procured a 'exotic' sniper rifle? Would have to have GML approve it befor hand I suppose. I have several ideas floating around and still have six months of planning in the works. What do you think?
  2. I was looking through various weapons and reading "Republic Commandos" 'Triple Zero' decided to look into a Verpine sniper rifle (http://www.sharecg.com/v/50970/related/11/Poser/Verpine-Shatter/-Sniper-Rifle) by modifying a (http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?products_id=5565). Looking into a robe/cloak, Mando view finder on the side of the helmet of some type also maybe. I have at least 6 months to play around with ideas and come up with something viable, 501st approved and hopefully original and inspirational. Or maybe http://mercs.firespray.net/forum/index.php?topic=29562.0 Or ,,, http://www.yourprops.com/Republic-Commando-Sniper-Special-other-replicas-movie-props-Star-Wars-Prequel-Trilogy-prop-8532.htm I'm still in the planning phase and months out from completing anything. Did receive a welcome packet so as soon as uniform is complete, will be submitted for approval, just toying with ideas for the rest of it. Feel free to throw any ideas, suggestions and comments at me or my way. Since I am new to all this, I'm open to suggestion from veterans and members -Michael
  3. Got the Star Garrison link on Facebook, requested "FRIEND" and waiting for a reply from moderator, then will introduce mysef and say heloo to all ya'll. -Michael
  4. Ok thank you everyone, sorry I haven't been on in last few days. Things are kinda hectic here at the moment in Kabul, with the attacks on Yemen, Libya and Egypt embassies. I'll get on when I can. Oh, once I have the full uniform(armor) and send in a photo and it gets approved, thats when I get my number?
  5. Ok, Rob, that would be would great. Can e-mail me at Orion53T@yahoo.com As far as garrison board, dont think I have since I have no idea where that is atm. Still learning the ropes. Yes, I am interested in the Shadow Scout, as a sniper (Personal thing for long range shotting myself) Thank you all and 501st ... -Michael Petsch
  6. Hello everyone I'm Michael and I am 50 yrs old, retired army, Airborne Infantry 11BPQ6. I've been interested in Star Wars since I first saw back in '79. I live in Killeen, Texas and worked in oil fields, drove trucks, and now am a contractor over-seas in afghanistan. Have been interested in 501st since stumbling upon its website 4-5 years ago. My current interests include on-line MMO's such as EQ2, Blacklight Retribution. I used to play SWG:Online but that's been discontinued /Booo-booo, /Hiss-hiss ,, I enjoy long range shooting, painting models(WH40K), reading anything involving computers, astronomy, physics and christian theology, time with my family(my dog Sheila is included as family!), camping, traveling, hiking, working out, running, swimming. SO, here I am, applying for membership, and contemplating a rather unique costume design. A Imperial scout sniper. Mr. Philip Tso has been kind enought to forward me all pertinente information in a welcome packet. Therefor my next step is to build and purchase available material with 501st's approval first of said costum design. If any of you wish to contact me with suggestions, hints or otherwise, I will be reading thorugh the forums. If you live in the central Texas region, in or near Killeen, maybe we can meet at some point. My son is also interested and we have friends who Star Wars aficionado's
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