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501st Reserve[501st]
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About TX3637

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Garrison Carida

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    Re-enacting and star wars of course.

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  1. I am actually using vader shins modified. I filled in the grooves and added to the knee plates. If y'all think the forearms are tk that makes my job easier. I've been struggling with making forearms from scratch. I made 1 piece front thighs from scratch and have attached them directly to the flight suit. Guess i'll have to break down and take some pics and post em, see what everybody thinks.
  2. No pics yet. I usually wait till it's all done before I take pics. But I will post them on here first before submitting to the legion,just to get y'alls opinion.
  3. I am well into my storm commando build. I would have all the armor pieces cut out by now,but my dremel died on me,and,I have remodeling I have to get done. But I plan on picking it back up in a week or so. I am not going by the WW2 looking pics,but rather the bigger pic of the commando.The outlining the cammando components for a game? I just have a few of the smaller armor pieces to cut out and form, a little sewing to do, and attaching all the armor,and it'll be done.
  4. Wonderful,another costume to buy.lol I would also be interested in one of those patches,actually I would like 2.Now I need to find my beret.
  5. Awesome,thanks everybody
  6. Couldn't find em at rack room shoes,but I did find some at shoes.com for 69.Much better then 150.00.I'll be ordering later in the week.
  7. These pics are a big help.I've seen these pics before,but never noticed the storm commando does not have the drop boxes.Now I have to also question if the commando wears the det pack?It doesn't look like it on the figure,but the 501 also says do not go by an action figure exclusively.
  8. Not sure if anyone is aware of this info,but did you know the Galactic Marines were the first to use the zero-gee suits?
  9. Does anybody have a source for TX boots.The ones I wear are TK,I paint them black before every troop.That's getting old.I did find some for $150.00,but I really don't wanna pay that much for them.So if anybody has a cheaper source,I would really appreciate an FYI.
  10. I am currently working on a storm commando and there are not only significant differences in the armor,but weaponry as well.
  11. In regard to the preference of the black tube stripes. If I recall properly,when I submitted my pics for approval to the 501st,I was told the tube stripes could not be glossy,and HAD to be black.I painted over mine with a semi gloss black,which was good enough for approval.
  12. always on stand by

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