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501st Retired[501st]
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About jimb

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Bloodfin Garrison

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  • Location
    Pendleton, Indiana

jimb's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks, everyone. I know it's going to be an ongoing project but it's one I'm looking forward to. I've seen so much cool stuff out there.......if only I had the $.
  2. I like this idea. I too have Bass Amsterdams and have the same problem. I'm going to give this a try. Thanks for the great tutorial with the pics. It makes it so much easier.
  3. Well, the wait is over. I finally completed my TX and received my 501st approval tonight. I'm excited to be part of the legion and to begin trooping. My thanks to everyone for their help and advice during my build, especially Vader Rocks. Looking forward to my first father/son troop. Hope to troop with many if not all of you at some time. TX 11248 reporting for duty.
  4. I never thought of her as the Imperial Chihuahua but I like it.
  5. I do have the Bass Amsterdam boots so I will try the strip of velcro to see how that works. Right now the thighs are just about mid knee but I can't bend my knee to walk or maneuver around. Can the back of the thigh be trimmed at the knee or is it best to shorten them to just above the knee?
  6. I was working on fitting the thighs and shins today and ran into a bit of a snag. The shins keep riding up on the boots to the point where they come up over the top of the boot. Does anyone know of a solution for that to stop happening? Also what is the standard for how high on the knee they should be? I want to be sure before I begin cutting. On the thighs it looks like a lot (almost 3 to 4 inches) needs to be cut off the top, but before I do I wanted to make sure I am measuring correctly. Where should the top of the thigh go to and how far down on the knee should it go? Thanks.
  7. I've been posting my progress photos on FISD but thought I should probably put them on Spec Ops as well since it is a TX I am building. I finally got the "brown box of goodies" about 2 weeks ago. I've been working on it on and off since then, with the help of my son (Vader Rocks), so I thought i'd share my progress with you all. Any and all comments are welcomed. The biceps and forearms we finished last weekend. The person I got it from had already started trimming and assembling the forearms, but we had to disassemble and redo. The thighs and shins we have set up to cure for the evening. Back to top Quote MultiQuote Edit
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