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501st Member[501st]
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About Chex

501st Info

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison: Squad 7

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  • Location
    St Augustine, Fl

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. You guys are taking care of a soon to be Florida Garrison trooper right? *Eyeballs Jim and Rob*
  2. I have SC, and my t-bits face forward. I seriously want to upgrade to MC armor though. Hell, maybe upgrade my suit too. It'd have to be when I have a lot of extra money and no other costumes I'd want to do. I'm gonna bug Andi to keep bugging you about Lancer lol.
  3. Ya know, makes me wonder why you aren't a Lancer yet. Get on it, Rob!!!
  4. Looks good to me. Be hard to nitpick that for Lancer even. You have everything correct, the fit is good. Other then adjusting the pouches to look more even...what paint did you use, flat or satin? Love the stealthiness of it. One of these days I'll do one of these.
  5. I'd have issues with the seam line on the back of the helmet. Makes it look unfinished. Pouches need work. Should be scaled down if they're too big. They ideally should should be placed on the edge of the ribs on the cummerbund, so that you can see all 6 ribs. Also throw some foam in them. Nice looking build though, the suit is a good fit. Sorry if I seem picky, it's the scout armorer coming out in me.
  6. Your fixes look great. First thing I thought was man, that's way too dirty. Looks way better, and that helmet is just BOSS. When I get a whole lot of free time, this is a costume I would love to tackle. So if I do, expect a lot of PMs from me lol.
  7. I would honestly go with cotton webbing for the drop boxes. Cotton looks so much better then nylon webbing.
  8. Jonah, def go with with a UA balaclava when you get the chance. They work so much better. I need to hurry up and just bite the bullet and order my armor already. If you need any tips for building it, PM me over on the FLG boards.
  9. You could always hit up Witness over at BSN for boots.
  10. About time you finish this. I would scale down those pouches a little though. Also, you really only want them to be about 2 inches thick. They just look overall big to me.
  11. Move your pouches in more. Hard to tell if you have 6, or 7 vertical stitches on your bund. You should have 7, creating 6 vertical ribs. You don't have to move them in more, that's just the Lancer in me coming out. Def heat up those shoulder tabs and bend them down more..they're up way to high, as Iz pointed out. Your TD is on upside down. Circle should be on the right...well your left, but our right as we look at the pic. Nice job on the boots, and an even better job modding the Rubies bucket. Ugh though, HATE the Atin boot holster. If you ever get the chance I would contact SC or MC about replacing that when you get the time. Nice build. As soon as I finish my animated ARC, this is next on my list, though it was 2nd but since SC wasn't pulling kits in black, I spent the money elsewhere. Then as soon as I do..BAM...pulling kits in black again. :/
  12. Ugh...kina ugly. I really wish the artists drawing a SW comic would use a little more detail when drawing armor. So basic. Where's Brian Ching when ya need him?
  13. OOooo KS is pulling in black again...have to find a way to scrounge up for a kit.
  14. SC is pulling black abs again? ^%$#%$# Must find a way to get a set...
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