Move your pouches in more. Hard to tell if you have 6, or 7 vertical stitches on your bund. You should have 7, creating 6 vertical ribs. You don't have to move them in more, that's just the Lancer in me coming out. Def heat up those shoulder tabs and bend them down more..they're up way to high, as Iz pointed out. Your TD is on upside down. Circle should be on the right...well your left, but our right as we look at the pic. Nice job on the boots, and an even better job modding the Rubies bucket.
Ugh though, HATE the Atin boot holster. If you ever get the chance I would contact SC or MC about replacing that when you get the time. Nice build. As soon as I finish my animated ARC, this is next on my list, though it was 2nd but since SC wasn't pulling kits in black, I spent the money elsewhere. Then as soon as I do..BAM...pulling kits in black again. :/