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Everything posted by THE TROOPER

  1. If its not scratched too bad, just lightly sand it with a 3m scuff pad or 1500 sandpaper at any local auto body supplier. Hope everything turns out alright.
  2. Auto paint is awesome, but if you're going to do it yourself, make sure it is prepared properly. Bodymen have a saying, its all in the preparation. Make sure its sanded, washed thoroughly, and the use of med. temp reducer or prepsol for any oil that may have been on the bucket from handling. Then, just before you paint, we use whats called a tac rag, which is sticky. You can get from any automotive paint store. Lightly go over the surface to capture any dust, dirt etc. I honestly got a great paint job out of a rustolium rattlecan. Dont try to cover it all in one thick coat. Shadow it slowly, keeping the nozzle clean. I painted one of my lids in just 3 coats. Allow about 5 minutes in between coats to let the paint flash dry. Try not to paint it on a rainy day or the paint might fog up or "blush". If you're looking for durability, apply maybe 4 even coats. I let my lid dry 3 days before messin with it. Hope this helps sis.
  3. If you have the regular lens, all you have do is go to a shop that installs window tint and ask them for a 2ft. piece. When you tell them what its for, they'll probably give it to you.
  4. Lookin great Kyle. Nice tie fighter too. Man, after seeing all that red goodness, makes me wanna go to red lobster.
  5. Hey Brady, funny, i just put my TX, AM armor on the boards. I was gonna put it up here too, and read your post. If your interested, shoot me a pm.
  6. Outstanding work man. Making the dream a reality. When will these be available for purchase ? Def. Put me down for a kit.
  7. Thanks for the invite, fantastic work guys, just let me know where to send the cash. Lol. I have a flamethrower bucket from animaefan, will that be compatible with this kit when finished ?
  8. Still looking awesome Kev. Keep up the great work ! Ummm, change my order to, two of them thanx.
  9. Waiting for Flame Trooper, Lookin great Mardon.
  10. Nice work Ren. If i ever do a shadow scout, i know who to go to for the sewing. Cant wait to see it finished, but i guess half the fun is building it right ?
  11. Gonna put motorcycle helmet padding in it. Should work awesome with squirrel fans.
  12. Those 3d prints look awesome man. Nice work. When do I send my deposit lol.
  13. Awesome T. I got the same one from him. Great work . Visibility is quite good with this bucket I must say.
  14. Awesome. Hey, did you try photobucket ? Its free and does wonders for forum pics.
  15. Would love to create this trooper. Im only 5/5, and the tank set up might make me fall backwards , but still want to take a crack at it. Maybe some non canon wheelie bars. Seriously though, will be following this.
  16. You probably should pick up some rare earth magnets to hold your armor together while letting the glue dry. Also some clamps and some micro fiber cloths so you dont scratch it. Start with something simple like the bi-ceps or fore-arms. This site http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/ will be one of your best friends as well as this site. Now, if you wanna watch some youtube videos, these are great, Hope this helps bro.
  17. Wow, congrats on the package. I would start with some e-600 glue, a pair of some nice lexan plastic cutting scissors, some 80 grit and some 180 grit sandpaper. A good glue gun with extra glue sticks. And a box of black industrial strenghth velcro. Will post more tonight. Congrats again bro
  18. Have an AM kit and still trooping strong after 3 years...one of my favorites.
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