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501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st Garrison
    Ohio Garrison

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    Perry, Ohio

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  1. just ordered them, well just sent payment
  2. Im hoping to get approved soon...do i need a blaster for approval?
  4. lol if you saw my build, you would know how much weight i would need to gain to fit it. LOL for one thing, the shoulder bells come down to my elbow LOL the chest piece goes down to my belly button LOL. ill post a picture once i finish it up
  5. i wish mine looked that good. my armor looks huge on me not even good looking
  6. now for some pics these are from the armor party. my house
  7. ok update, armor party was successful. armor is now 98% complete with just minor things to finish (glueing parts and velcro some pieces, new lenses for FX bucket [i dont want the bubbled ones]). i really dont like this FX bucket though it needs to disapeer and quick but i have no money for a new one. lol with me being such a small guy its massive as well as the armor. i look weird. ill post pics up later today when i get home things i still need, gloves boots neckseal blaster new bucket
  8. im not even sure if its going to happen. ive posted up countless times for a armor party and had nothing. not putting much into this one either. we will see though
  9. yea dude i wish we lived closer together. i guess ill see who says they will show up for this. I want to have it finished by Ohayocon
  10. Pending Armor Party this weekend for all those able TX armor Party, address will be provided. Needs help fitting and glueing. Food and drinks will be provided, or bring your own if you want. Saturday 12/18/2010 @ 12-?? pm me if your interested
  11. so as much as i think and think, i keep thinking that i might want to transform this into a Nova...what do you all think? something about the nova keeps bringing me back like the simple blackhole isnt good enough i need to go Nova...LOL
  12. off topic i work 12am-10am tue-fri
  13. dude your like 10min away from me
  14. Thanks Josh. Adam im 25 and still live at home if that helps. I am responsible your parents really dont have to worry. Depending where your located we have armor parties all the time (mostly Mando kits). Ill be joining the 501st soon and be offical with mercs also.
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