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Everything posted by Bavery

  1. Pack is coming out so good, I decided to put it in a frame <3
  2. I don't think its yours. haha, The visor is head in SOLELY on tension. and the craftsmanship skill on the kit is much lower than yours.
  3. Hahaha no way! How's the visor held in?!
  4. Haha it is me. Bavery comes from Byrek Avery.
  5. So, I will be making a frame. But Here are updates on my packs... The black lid is drying on now.
  6. Haha, yeah, the undersuit will come soon. I just want to finish the pack, haha. It's been bugging me.
  7. So I came into possesion of a near completed Elite Nova. It was missing only the pack, undersuit, boots, gloves, and neckseal. So I've begun constructing the pack, and found that at this point, the frame really isn't needed... anyone else have that feeling? Concept: So far:
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