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  • 501st Garrison
    Alpine Garrison

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  1. hay everyone I was thinking about starting a shadow scout and was wondering if any of you scouts out there have tried this when building there kits, has everyone always gotten there kits the black abs, or have some of you done the normal white scout armor / bucket then painted it black for the shadow scout also ive been looking at peoples wips and have seen talk about flat black vs glossy black so I was wondering what do both look like and what one is thought to be better thanks guys
  2. if the inside is smooth a trick ive heard about and done with other things (haven't had to try it on a helmet yet) is you "score" or scratch the inside right next to ware you will be gluing so that the glue has a surface to adhere to, but be careful to not do it to much or to deep as you could go right though the helmet, I would suggest a sandpaper and be sure to clean the area before applying the glue
  3. so i was looking at this thred and later was looking at some con. pic.s and what do i happen to see
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