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Everything posted by isith

  1. Annual "I'm still here" announcement Been way too busy lately at work and during the little free time I've had I've been mostly building a Shadow Guard for my wife. My Shadow Scout parts have been sanded except the holster and back half of the helmet. Satin black is the way to go for me. Everything but boots and blaster have been purchased. I have a E-11 kit waiting though. So, I'm going to struggle to get my wife's Shadow Guard ready asap just to get my Scout build finally rolling full time. What actually motivates me to get my Scout done is the fact that I really want another costume besides my Incinerator Trooper. As much as I love that costume, I'm getting a bit tired trooping in it. 3 + 3 hours last saturday and 2+2 hours last sunday and my body's still aching from that. Maybe I'm getting old or something
  2. I would take that action figure comment as an compliment. I've been going back and forth between glossy and satin armor and finally decided to go satin after seeing your costume. Looks so good! Job well done
  3. Or if they managed to answer a simple question like "are there going to be more changes to the CRL" Anyway, your Guard looks great !! Work well done. I'm building a Shadow Guard for my wife, I'd say it's 50% ready atm.
  4. So I had a BBB day (actually wednesday, been way too busy to even take pics before this morning) Now I only need time to build
  5. So ideally there should be no visible seam ? Is that a must for Specialist or just ideal ?
  6. OK, funds are scraped together and email is sent to SC. Woohoo
  7. Actually you already did help out, from this thread I found answers to 2 questions I was about to ask
  8. Thanks everyone, I appreciate the comments I do agree with Toddo and Scubacat though, it's a bit too clean and tidy. I have actually weathered boots more after the pics were taken. This was my first costume and so far weathering is a compromise between some really weathered INCs and CRL which stated that suit should be lightly scuffed. It's always easier to add more weathering than to remove it
  9. Congrats Trooper, looking good there I can hardly wait to get my own set of armor.
  10. Still working on this, try get it to Centurion level sooner or later. Needs a bit more weathering too, although it actually is a lot dirtier than pics show OK, not the right weapon here...
  11. Hi all, Don't know if I should have posted this in Cantina, feel free to move this if it's on wrong area. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still lurking here and still have my Shadow Scout in slow progress. It's just that a one broken car, one rejection from an insurance company and a trip to Celebration Europe II ate all of the funds I had for SC armor & helmet. It's that much feared Darth Real Life guy again It might be Xmas before I can buy the armor parts but I have already noticed a few times that waiting is a big part of costume building. So far I have a flightsuit which needs a bit of tailoring plus riding patches & mudflap. Managed to get gloves ( Thanks again Jim for the tip ). Have Doopy Doos resin E-11 kit, fabric for vest & cummerbund and all of the elastics except 12mm and 50mm. Funny thing is that unlike in US, you can find 35mm elastic here easily. Just walk to the store and buy all you need. Seems like it's 12mm which is a bit harder to find here. OK, sorry for the whining, I'll start a WIP thread when I have a bit more parts purchased and a bit more work done to my flightsuit
  12. Is SA still out of business ? I did try & search Bikerscout.net but didn't find any info about SA being back. Cheers, Osku
  13. Looking good there, Congrats on your approval
  14. Right, didn't think of the tow section. Back to the drawing board. Thanks, appreciate it
  15. Hi, Would Palladium boots be a good base for Shadow Scout boots ? Starting to collect bits and pieces while saving for SC armor. Not going to start a WIP until I have the Brown Box in my hands Btw, does SC make a helmet in black at the moment ? Didn't see any mention of it in their website. Cheers, Osku
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