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501st Reserve[501st]
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About mr0072003

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California Garrison

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  • Location
    Inglewood, CA

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Welcome.. I love the "wife gave me the green light.." I remember those days... hahaha
  2. Yeah when you round the edges down just a nail file, its so easy and takes less than a minute to get what you need.. well many 2min but you will see its very easy. … BUT Test on edges of random pieces so you get the idea of how to do it and figure out a method that works for you, as you will have little wiggle room on your actual strips.
  3. Looking good. What helmet is that?
  4. I saw the Chrome Trooper at CVII so the suite exists. As for it being approvable I have no clue. But it did look cool!
  5. This is great news! Can not wait!
  6. Don hère are the pics you sent.. Team here are some better pics of nodoner's shadow build (weathered) with sick E-11 blaster. Hope this helps in the decision making process. THOSE ARE NOT THE RIGHT BOOTS, they did not fit on the Mannequin, but he has the right ones. His E-11
  7. Welcome Franco... I am from LA as well and once you are ready a good source of help. Maybe we can do a mini armor party to get you going.
  8. Just round off the edges of the strips...
  9. Hmmm.. maybe we can start discussion on this? Staff of Spec ops, what do you think? Should we or can we open it back up for debate?
  10. Just to get the topic back up, why is weathered not approvable? I mean all the figures are not shiny and weathered. Not complaining just don't know the answer, and I am sure there is a good one I would love to have Don (nodder) as a Trooper with us and in the Legion.
  11. i started a new HOW TO this week, but the belt did not work out the way I wanted too... but the concept was spot on.. I may try and use the pics I got to show how to do it, just inform people on the exact material to get and use my pics as reference. Thanks for having me back... I love this detachment.. you guys are the scariest of the troopers (i.e Rangers, Green Berets, of the group) yet we are all the nicest.
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