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    Rockford, Mi

pieguy's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. drthmrl What else did you have to get to pass? Chef, thanks for the tips, what is Jeff's set of Armor?
  2. Hey all thanks for the feeback. These are the links I've been leaning towards (its hard to find shadow scout stuff) This site for the main set http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html And this site for any accessories I'd need to finish and pass http://www.stormtrooper-costumes.com/25,stormtrooper_accessories.html Not sure on the boots, if anyone has any other links or conatacts that make Sahdow Scout gear please do not hold back. The more info the better the costume in my opinion!
  3. My friend has recently purchased his long dreamed about storm trooper outfit and I've been looking more and more at the Shadow Scout. It's time I think. I've read everything on the rules and outlines for the 501 and I've done my research on where to buy the stuff as well (I am not gifted enough to craft these on my own I fear). Would anyone be willing to help me confirm if my online finds are good enough to pass and what else I might have to do?? Please let me know and I'm looking forward to being apart of the Spec Ops Detachment.
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