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vader rocks

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About vader rocks

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  1. Looks like a very nice armor build. I'll let others chime in, but you may want to use a more form fitting under suit as it looks like its bunching up in the leg and arm areas. Overall looks great though.
  2. Sweet, congrats on the box of goodies. Happy building.
  3. Congrats, now we just gotta sign ya up for some troops.
  4. Back at the build again this evening, it's taking some time working on it here and there but we're getting oh so close now. We've got the upper half all together and strapped up, i've gotta say, it looked pretty darn good. My dad got together with a fellow garrison member a few weeks ago for a fresh set of eyes on a few things and put those notes to use this evening. Arms, chest, ab, back and kidney all turned out awesome. Tonight, our stopping point is the strapping to hold his thighs up. Tried a couple different things and couldn't seem to nail it down. What is everyones preferred method of strapping to hold their thighs up?? Thigh strapping and attach clips to TD and we're ready to submit for his 501st approval, yay!!
  5. Awesome, congrats and good luck. Can't wait to see your progress.
  6. Ok, back to the build tonight. We got the belt assembled over the weekend, figured we'd spend tonight getting bells attached, shoulder bridges installed and still waiting on TD clips, but unfortunately it didn't go that smooth. He got back in his armor tonight and it didn't seem to fit right at all. Most noticeable was the fit of the ab and chest plate. Here's a pic straight ahead, which I don't think looks too bad, but agree with previous posts that the ab either needs to come up or the chest needs to come down. With that being said, i'm not quite sure on how to achieve this since the cod is already touching "the area". We thought about moving the chest plate down, but as you can see from the next pic, there's already too big of a gap around the neck line like the chest should come up some. We can't really take the chest plate up since that causes the large gap between the chest and ab. Here's also a pic from the side, not really liking how the ab plate causes the chest to push forward. If anyone has some suggestions on a fix we're willing to listen.
  7. Sorry, just had it brought to my attention that I posted my last post in the wrong thread. Sorry for any confusion. Very nice build by the way, keep up the good work.
  8. Thanks Nick Yep, still working on mastering the strapping to get the ab height perfect. My mom made him his belt today and now its just a matter of attaching the the plastic to the belt, installing the drop boxes and mounting up the holster. He received his holster and neckseal from Darman a month or so ago. TD is built and assembled, he's looking into how he wants to attach it to the belt. I used money clips for my TK TD but had a hard time finding the ones I did use. So not sure if he's gonna search for those or purchase a set of TD clips off the FISD boards.
  9. Well, it's been a little while since we've posted, but with doing a little here and little there I think we're in the home stretch. Here's a couple photos we tooke today, lighting not the best with the dark armor and all. We're shooting to finish the build this week and be able to submit my dad's application for his 501st approval by the weekend. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel and he's getting excited to be joining the legion.
  10. Looking good trooper. Few little fixes and you should be good to go.
  11. Your build is looking awesome, keep it going and you'll be there in no time
  12. Thanks for the help. Yes, we've got the chest strapped to the ab, but currently with only two straps. Was wondering about the return edges since I think we may end up having to shorten the back, ab or buttplate to fit nicely. Is there one recommended more than another to "shorten/adjust" first??
  13. Thanks for the quick reply Peter. Here's some photos that help explain our question. I know jeans and t-shirt can through things off, but I think we've got more than that going on. Fitting was done with undersuit on earlier today.
  14. Hey everyone, As I recently posted in my "welcome thread", i've been working with my dad to get this TX built. We've gone from a list of 16 items left from our last session and knocked off five items this afternoon. Hit a little snag here at the end of the day though, not sure if anyone can shed a little insight. We're working on strapping everything together. Problem is: when holding the back in position it sets great, the chest piece seems to fit against him great (top of shoulders were originally going straight back and digging into his shoulders, we trimmed and slightly bent them upward with some heat), but now with both pieces attached with shoulder strapping, the back shoulder seems to stick up about an inch above the chest shoulder section. If we pick up on the chest piece to looking even, there's a gap between the ab and chest piece now. Kind of at a stopping point for the moment, but didn't know if anyone else has hit this snag. We're not "typical" stormtrooper size, we are bigger, but I think we can get this. Also, i've seen multiple posts on here that kind of remind folks that this is not the FISD, just wondering if the return edge requirements and things were any different or the same guidelines should follow??
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