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501st SpecOps[TX]
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About TK8700

501st Info

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Singapore Garrison

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  1. Hi guys, I'm back after a long attachment in the hospital. Here are my updated pictures. The saggy backpack issue was solved just by tightening up the straps. P.S. Do ignore the time stamp on the photos. Didn't realize my camera was off-sync until I've uploaded the pictures. Front Back Left Left (arm raised) Right Right (arm raised)
  2. Thanks for the advice guys I'll tighten up the straps and the retake the photos. Hopefully during the weekends.
  3. Hi Todd! Thank you. Yep, that is one of my concerns as well. I would like to reduce the "sagginess" of my backpack. I've already done it once, but looks like the straps can use a bit more tightening.
  4. Thanks guys. Hi Torri! Glad to see you here.
  5. Hi guys A short intro from me. I'm Ron, from the Singapore Garrison, and I have been in the Legion since I was 18. I first started off with the TK, moved on to the shadow trooper, and now the elite nova. I have been on the SpecOps forum for some time, doing my research for the elite nova. My armor is from VT, a now long defunct maker. The armor is painted black with automobile paint. The helmet is from an unknown maker. It was a gift from a friend. The pauldron and pouches were from trooperbay. The backpack is from Dirtyboy over at MEPD. It came as a kit form and I assembled it according to the TD standards, except in black. I'm currently in the midst of scratch building my T21 and it will not be part of my application. Here are my photos, The gold is spray painted on with Rustoleum Bright Coat Metallic Finish and clear coated with Rustoleum Painter's Touch Ultra Cover. Personally, I feel that my armor can look better, but let's hear your opinions first.
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