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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Ruck last won the day on December 7 2020

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About Ruck

501st Info

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  • 501st Garrison
    Northern Darkness Garrison

SpecOps Info

  • Costumes
    Shadow Stormtrooper

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  1. Thanks Joey, helping fellow Shadow's is what it's all about. If you need any help let me know.
  2. I have the only RS Shadowtrooper in the 501st that I am aware of. It is really good quality but I'm not sure there doing any more. They told me there not going to make anymore, but you never know.
  3. I love to see all the unique designs that everyone comes up with!!! What I love is that we have such a great group of people that love to help each other and want to share idea's! I find myself looking through all the pics and choosing things from each one to customize my own. What works for some may not work for others due to head size and shape so taking a little from here and there really helps. Some things I see I never would have thought about and are awesome! I can't take full credit for being the only one that designed my bucket. Yes I put it all together to make it work but I took bits and pieces from all of the buckets that I have seen and a couple of my own ideas to create mine! I did a lot of research and looked at a lot of buckets to come up with mine. Even though I've had mine complete for about 8 or 9 months I'm periodically up grading batt pacs, fans, ear phones. What ever will make it function more efficiently. I won't post pics here but if it's ok I can direct you to my build thread called " Upgrading My Bucket " by Ruck. There I have pics of my bucket if any are interested. Thanks again to everyone who helped me in building my bucket you guys rock!! I couldn't have done it without you!!
  4. I had the same issue with my lenses. I went to Home Depot got a sheet of clear acrylic cut it to size heated it shaped it then put 2% black car window tint with a metal reflective coating that prevents see through even when looking at it in direct sunlight. I used foam and Velcro to secure it to my bucket. My lenses are far more clear and way way more stronger now than the motorcycle film that I got with my bucket. Not only are they stronger and more clear but like I said before in direct sunlight you can't see into my bucket through the lenses. I am currently making a pair for one of my garrison fiends for her Tie pilot bucket. You can see how thick they are in the pics, I love these lenses plus there super strong!!
  5. Lol it's the shipping that gets you lol!!
  6. I have that same padding. What I did is Velcro all my padding in so I can remove it if indeed to work on any of the electronics or even change it around. I stayed away from glue as much as possible I even made lenses and used Velcro to attach them. I've had it like that for a year. I trooped in cold 30F* and hot 95F* weather and the Velco held tight through it all. I Even used Velco on the outside of my O2 canister / thermal detonator clips that stick to the back of my kidney plate behind the belt. It saved me many times from someone trying to take it off. It's on tight it's really hard to get off lol. Anyway I also ordered some really good padding from Grainger the industrial supply co. And cut strips that I measured and placed them behind the padding you have in there now to make it tighter. And yes the industrial Velco I use sticks to everything so I stuck it to that padding as well, works awesome and looks really good too! Check out my Up grading my bucket post in this forum.
  7. No one can see them unless I take off my bucket and show them which never happens. As long as I'm in public my bucket stays on!!!
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