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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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ShadowWarrior last won the day on November 3 2021

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About ShadowWarrior

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California Garrison

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  • Location
    Irvine, CA
  • Interests
    Costume design, reading, comics, theater, cosplay, you know...nerdy stuff

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  1. I"ve been accepted!!!! TX 14045 reporting for duty!

  2. I finished!!! I FINALLY finished! Took almost 2 years! I'm so happy I could cry! Had so much help from friends and am SO grateful! My first armor outing was at Celebration and now I just need to take my pictures and submit to the 501st! Oh happy day!
  3. My armor is FINALLY complete! Time to submit!!!

  4. I am so close to being done with my armor! Just waiting for TD clips!

  5. Did you get the silver mirror or the smoke mirror? Also, what size fit best in the helmet small or large? Thanks!
  6. OK I thought I might end up needing one. Thanks so much!
  7. Thanks for all the info guys, it's most helpful. and thanks for the lense link Todd! Those look perfect! Peter, how did you go about keeping the taper of the forarm from elbow to wrist after cutting off from the wrist?
  8. I was also wondering if any of you might know where I can get silver/chrome colored helmet lenses? I have dark green ones currently but I really like the look of the silver.
  9. Yes, that makes sense. Thanks so much I will definately try that
  10. It's pretty short compared to the armor length :\ I think I might actually have to cut off 2 entire indentions to fit my arm....but here's a picture of how it sits on my arm as of right now:
  11. If you're having fogging issues, I'd recommend using Sea Drops. They use them at Disney for the characters and they work really well.
  12. Oh that's great! Thanks a lot! Also, does Anyone know the best way to shorten the length of the forearms? My arms aren't long enough but I'm worried about cutting it because of the rectangular indentions. Help!
  13. Oh! OK thanks a lot! That does help. I was getting a little worried lol I just felt like I might break the plastic by bending it so much but I think it will be OK. Thanks again!
  14. Thanks for the well wishes everyone! Master Tej: LOL! I guess I'll take that as a compliment? sorry for my weird questions, I'm a noob after all XD I have another question! I was looking at my arm pieces today and realized they look different. You can tell from looking at the 2 on the left that the one more to the right has more of a curve where the left one does not and the left one is also a bit wider, which makes me have to fight a bit to get the front and back piece to match Is this fixable? is this maybe happening because I haven't started cutting and sanding yet? I need some expert advice! Thanks
  15. Question! would you still recommend ABS cement if my armor is HIPS?
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