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  1. Thanks guys, I've been kind of busy lately rehearsal has been going really late and so is school so I'll be trying to get as much work done as I can.
  2. So I finally got my vacuum former to work this weekend it did a great job, the only problem was that my master had some problems with in in detail and it kinda came out not like I wanted it. it also turns out hot glue and heat don't get along well, so most of my master fell apart after the pull. Back to the drawing board I will make a better master for the chest and reinforce it with fiberglass so that it will not fall apart.. and I'm going to make a more consistent master as well.
  3. 1/8 inch HIPS is on its way, I'm just waiting for it to come.
  4. So today I noticed I had made some errors with the master so I edited it some. I vacuum formed and the master held up well, the only problem was that the plastic I have is not melting and stretching properly. I bought it about a year ago and it has a rough rigid side and a smooth one, I think the rough side causes the plastic to not melt properly and holds it together a little better, so I need to get some better plastic in the mean time.
  5. So I cleaned up the chest today and made it so I can use it as a master for vacuum forming. I added some pink polystyrene foam for extra structure and put some expanding foam in to harden it up. I do have a question, how do you get approval for a new trooper type?
  6. Here is the chest getting started, its a little rough, but tonight I'm to tired to clean it up like I usually do, so I think I'll do that tomorrow.
  7. I'm good thanks, I make the 3d files into pepakura and then use the pepakura as templates for EVA foam, then I'm hoping to vacuum form. body filler and I don't get along well. And last night I finished the legs.
  8. Here is the ab plate. I worked on the helmet a little too cant seem to get the right shape.
  9. I finished the helmet after cleaning it up a little, and made the chest plate
  10. I decided the other day I would make some pepakura files of the sky/jump trooper, I finished the rough draft tonight of the helmet.
  11. thanks for that, now you've made me very interested in trying to figure out what the imperial commando looks like, whether its a mixed look between a storm trooper and the Republic commando. it makes it all the more interesting.
  12. Ok, thanks for correcting me. although I still haven't seen that variant of helmet around much, is it certified?
  13. it looks like this. and this is it VS the Republic Commando, I think the only difference is the helmet.
  14. Was just poking around a few sites the other day, and I've noticed that no one as far as I have seen has done an Imperial Commando from Star Wars Imperial Commando: 501st By Karen Travis. So I was wondering, has anyone ever made one?
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