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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison

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    Sunrise, FL

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  1. WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! TX-66606!!!!!!!
  2. Got notice from the GML that I have been approved (as of the 1st)! Haven't gotten the official email with the TX number yet, but should be coming through soon!
  3. Will do! Thank you guys for all the support, I really appreciate it. Spec Ops is best detachment!
  4. Have't heard anything as of yet. Though I'm hoping soon, I'd like to get out and start troopin'!
  5. Hey guys, thanks to you both. I meant to color the rivet and forgot. I'll get on all this!
  6. Sure here are what I submitted And Yep down in the Everglades Squad!
  7. I know it's been quite awhile but I've submitted the photos for approval as of last night. Just waiting to hear back now!
  8. I had the same exact fear. I was worried I'd mess something up. I just kept harassing the local squad until we did a mini Armor party a couple of weeks ago. With people there to guide I was much more confident than I was before, and realized it's not as hard as I thought it would be. Still haven't done the helmet, but we got a lot of the armor stuff done. I just have to do soft parts mostly now. I would say get in touch with some of the local biker scouts and ask them for help.
  9. Is the lens black or green on your shadow?
  10. I don't know if paint was a problem, but one of the local guys helping me mentioned that it could chip the hose because it's so flexible. So I figured Plastidip was flexible and would be less of a problem if there was one. It looks pretty much like yours does in the photo, just a little....different. I like the look though and I think I'm gonna do the whole thing in it, would look similar to the satin finish, just maybe a little more flat. Not sure if it shows well in this image.
  11. Finally got some work done on the armor this weekend. I'll post of pictures tonight. I did have a question though. So the hose for the thermal detonator is supposed to be black according to the CRL. I couldn't find black hose to replace the silver, but I did the next best thing and got the spray on plastidip and it looks awesome. I know some of you all have painted your armor and I've been considering it as well and wanted to know if there was any reason I should or could not use plastidip for this purpose. It's generally more durable than spray paint and it feels off easily if I have to reapply for some reason, it also looks amazing IMO.
  12. Thanks! I totally would have melted my bucket and been very upset
  13. Thanks. I will use the e6000 for the more minor things, and order the abs cement. Any thought on getting this stuff off? I would assume just a razor blade should work. What do you mean disaster? I've never worked with the stuff and from what those down here have seemed to say they may not have either. Hello Chex!
  14. So I tried gluing the dome to the back/side piece, using E 6000. Apparently, letting it sit on the dome was a bad idea and it slid and had a huge gap. I tried to fix it and it came apart... So now I gotta start over. I guess setting it on the back would be best.
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