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The Sniper

In Memoriam[501st]
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Everything posted by The Sniper

  1. Looking good there mate! Hoping to have more progress pics up this week myself.
  2. Thanks for the awesome feedback troops. This week I'll be finishing off the belt and starting on the green cummerbund. The flight suit is still inbound and there's the boots to work on.
  3. Had boxing day to work on this Swamp Trooper.. Here is the helmet, minus the blue-green bolts, have to find the right colour this week. The lenses are Grade 5 and the ears are plactic, covered in black cotton. The snout is hand built and the fish hooks are the analog type on each side. Thoughts Spec Ops troopers?
  4. Hi Justin, just checked my Ebay records, the stuff is just green marine vinyl, bought from a local supplier here in Queensland. However I did carefully colour match it to my armour so everything matches. Haven't started the boots yet. Will post them up when I start them.
  5. Thanks for that Griffin, I did pretty much most of that, must have stuffed up the updating the title bit.
  6. Despite by previous post, got some work done this afternoon. Here is a look at my helmet, minus the visor and painting of the bolts.
  7. Thanks for the fantastic comments troops. I haven't done much the last few weeks, as I have just started a new relationship with someone very special, so travelling an hour each way to see her. Also when I posted this, stupid me put "Stamp" instead of "Swamp". So can anyone with command access change the title of this topic? Not sure how to do it myself... Beyond my computer skills.
  8. Ok fast forward to today 25th November 2013. Here is the armour progress. Costume made Thermal det, making the belt clips now. SC armour, need to "Swamp it up" The Swamp pistol. Fletchelle Missile launcher WORK LEFT TO DO. 1.Helmet has been made and roughly painted, just needs weathering, lenses (grade 5) approval of the costume snout and final touches. 2. Flight suit has been made and got a message today that it's on the way. 3. Starting the boots soon, have green marine vinyl. 4. Need to add belt clips for the thermal det, need to check clips for approval before attaching. 5. Need to source correct material and colours for cummerbund. Have someone that will be making it. 6. Need to send in colour matches for the belt, before starting that area. 7. Replacement gloves have arrived so will be posting them up in the next few days. I'm trying to have this finished by April 2014 for our next may event CoastNova and Dreamworld 2014. I'll be posting up WIP as things get done. Working fulltime and a partner that lives down the coast means spare time is limited. But will have this done ASAP.
  9. Hi Spec Ops troops, just realized that I haven't started a WIP of my Animated Stamp Trooper in this area, so the first few comments will be cut and pasted. Them will update everything from here. Update time, here is what's going on. Armour: SC have here and just started on it, like later today. Neck Seal: Arrived today. Scout Blaster: Not neccessary for Stamp Trooper Animated, but arrived today. 1.5 inch green webbing: Awaiting arrival, ordered 3 weeks ago. Flight Suit: Ordered from a member on BikerScout forums. Green Marine Vinyl for boots: Arrived last week, local supplier. Flechette Launcher: 85% complete, see build thread. Swamp Trooper: Researching, going with Desert Eagle, I think... Modified Thermal Det: Painting now, first 2 coast on, will post up pics, later. Gloves: Had SA gloves, but have bought more suitable gloves. Need to send in size. Cummerbund: Will be sourcing material this week. Still need to buy, Desert Eagle, Cummerbund, alternate lenses, 2 inch green webbing for belt and a LOT of out of the box thinking and patience. Stay tuned That was at the 30th September.
  10. Thanks follow troopers, glad to finish this project, happy with how it turned out. I can now fully concentrate on the Swamp Trooper itself.
  11. Time to wrap this build thread up. Finished it today, what does everyone think? The pistol is the blaster used by the Animated Swamp trooper.
  12. Someone a few years like 3? ago was making a resin greeblie bit and pieces and selling them on Ebay. Been using them for some of my weapons and costume builds. Really like to get my mits on more.
  13. Did some more work yesterday. Added some more wiring and details, glued everything in place. Just need to paint the missiles, later today. Then next Sunday will add the paint pin striping, the W shape patten round the barrel and lenses into the scope. Also need to glue in the 2 switches and finish off any fine details. Then I can start work on the Swamp Scout blaster, photo below. This is the Swamp Scout blaster. Going to use a Colt 45 Long Slide as a base, this should be here this week.
  14. Back from Bali and right onto this. Had a really productive day working on the launcher. This is where I got up to before leaving for Bali. After a days work. The aft section is not fully attached yet. Side view Rear side view That's it for now, will be doing more work next Sunday, adding the trigger stud. Also if anyone has any ways or comment to improve this launch, please let me know.
  15. Just to let you know that I am following this thread NC. I'm overseas myself right now, but fortunately (for now) have net access so can order stuff off ebay, like webbing. I'm going down the "animated" Swamp Trooper path. I'll need to order webbing soon.
  16. When I get back from overseas my plans are to start/ finish my Swamp Trooper and the launcher, which could be ready for approval at the end of the year. I could make one or two of these in the new year, will have to think about that.
  17. I had one final Sunday to work on this before leaving for 2 weeks break. Decided to make the scope from PVC that goes on the side, instead of using a standard toy or real one. Will be adding plastic optics later. I used wood filler to even up the outside and will be covering this with ABS, pics of that in a few days. The end butt is screwed into place and the missiles are on a thread system so they can be replaced. I will post up a close in shot of the missiles later. Even though it was a mistake on my part, but worked out well, the missiles are a fraction wider than the barrels. This means that the missiles or flechettes will not fully fit into the barrels. Have to keep this "prop" convention safe. The tip of the missiles are the same type used on nerf darts. Another side view, the left side is where the scope will be mounted. I'll try to post up more WIP pics before leaving on holidays.
  18. Hi there Black Wolf, Sniper from Queensland here. I'm always broke at the end of the week because I've spent too much money on my costuming stuff, but at least I'm happy. Best of luck with your Shadow Trooper.
  19. All righty, had the day off so got some serious work on this. First pic is marking out the 5 MDF bulkheads, 3 for the barrel area and 2 for the butt end. Also will be running a cost updates. Masonite: 4.90 MDF: 6.15 Pine Spars 2.13 Pine Strip: 2.50 2 x 20mm PVC tubes 4.00 Total costs: 19.68 The 5 bulk heads, made out of 6mm MDF. This was a 1:1 scale plan for my DLT-19 used it as it is a Star Wars weapon. Modified the plans and drew this and transferred it to tracing paper. Had some cheap pine and made this. The bulkheads with the 4 barrels drilled. Cut 4 x 20mm barrels 34cm long. The bulkheads, barrels installed. Decided to add a square spine, to join the barrel and the butt ares, gives the launcher more strength. Cut the masonite covers and made the butt area. A rough look at the shape of it, note the green rifle top of shot is my Swamp Snipers rifle (WIP) and my trusty Gong Droid. Another look at the rough shape, total length 21inches or 56cms Weighed it and so far 1kg or 2 1/4 pounds?
  20. I'm not leaving for 2 weeks so decided what the hell and get stuck into this launcher. First pic is planning on my notebook, finding lengths, ideas and brain storming. Please note, all the measurements are in centimetres. Also sorry for the images being hard to see, I cannot rotate them properly. I had a piece of PVC, so translated the measurements onto it to get a real scale of things, the red tape is the end of the launcher. A total of 55cms. With the length sorted, went scaling out the hexagonal body, it's 12 cm each side, one had cut off at 25mm and the other 15mm. I'll be using the one on the top. The circles are for the PVC barrels, 25mm and the flechettes being 20mm in diameter.
  21. Some of you here may know that I'm getting all the parts for my Swamp Trooper (animated version), picking up my MC armour in the next few days, already build a Swamp Sniper rifle, 90% finished. Decided to build the Golan Arms FC-1 Flechette Launcher, the formal weapon that goes with this. I've already started a thread that I'm doing this and this is the WIP thread. Here's a few reference pics. I'm heading overseas really soon and won't be back until mid September, so it's fabrication planning and looking at ways to build this, basically brainstorming until I get back. As drthmrl mentioned, using this wood for the frames which I probably will do. Thinking about making 4 hexagonal bulkheads and turning it into a frame and then adding the sides to that. Looking at using PVC tubes for the barrels and PVC for the darts, with a pistol grip on the bottom and real scope. Length wise it looks about 18" or 45-50cm's. That's it for now, stay tuned!
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