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    New York
  • Interests
    Filming, Animation, writing, parkour, costuming, exercise

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  1. thank you, hopefully that is the case.
  2. Cool, Well when I'm ready I'll start a WIP thread. But until then just buying up supplies.
  3. Very nice. Well I made a Pep helmet this morning, but the head hole is too small. So I was thinking if, once it's finished I can cut the front part off and make it do that some how...
  4. Question, Does the bottom of a scout trooper (shadow scout) helmet have to looks a certain way? OR... or... How do I have it open up in the front? like this http://media.popcultcha.com.au/media/catalog/product/b/i/biker-scout-helmet-efx-06.jpg
  5. Thank you. Good to be back.
  6. no, that wasn't my ODST. This is my ODST
  7. Thank you for all that information, this helps me organize my thoughts and narrow it down a bit more. At studio creations the kit is about $470, and I looked for a bit and found helmets for $80 - $100. Totaling $550 - $570. If I have to I will just buy the kit, I am trying to save as much money I can for a car, but it is what it is. I think I am going to attempt the Pep way with a shoulder or bicep piece. And if it comes out good then I could consider going that route, and if it comes out bad then no harm no foul.
  8. I see. Perhaps I should purchase the kit. I did forget to mention too that I am not new to doing pep work, I have experience in it. I made an entire ODST armor set. It's just making it look incredibly smooth is what I have trouble with.
  9. Hey, I'm back. So I think I can finally begin this project, I have no idea where to begin with it though... All I know is I can 1) buy an armor set, 2) make a Pepakura armor set, or 3) vacuum form an armor set. buying one would cost $600 though, so that's out. I don't know any other ways to do it other than that. I want something easy to do, and doesn't cost a fortune. (by easy I mean like the pepakura process not looking to be lazy here.) Every time I do pepakura though it doesn't come out right. If I go that route hopefully I get get alot of help to make it look perfect. And I have no clue on how to begin the Vacuum form way. Thank you for any replies and help. Long live the Empire.
  10. unfortunatly I tried a piece today..... Aaaaannnndd, It doesn't look like I'll be able to do this project after all, don't have the money to do it either and if I did messing up would be terrible, sorry everyone.
  11. So I just finished my ODST minus the visor and am ready to make the Shadow scout. I was thinking going the pepakura way. I have all the files just one problem I don't know if I can get it perfectly smooth with the rondo... don't know if that would be a problem or not, I'll post a pic of my smoothest armor piece on my ODST to show what I'm capable of and to see if that would be ok.
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