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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by mikedwelle94

  1. Payment sent to WTF for transparent armor parts! He will be pulling my shoulder bells, forearms, and shins next week. All I will have to do is mask and paint. No cutting out all those little boxes on the forearms to get the blue light shining through. It also looks like I will be using a heavily discounted Rubies suit from a member in my garrison for the rest of the parts. I've always wanted one of these kits to tinker with. Not having to fit u-trim around all the parts will be a huge plus. Exciting times are ahead!
  2. Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up for me! Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  3. I noticed that the CRL calls for boots with a flat sole - that will need to be changed, because I'm finding in screenshots that the boots have a heel. Posting for anyone else looking to build this trooper. Make sure you get the right boots! http://databank.501st.com/databank/TX_-_Shadow_Stormtrooper_TFU
  4. Edit 2/21: (edited post, removing Black Series helmet from build. Going to use an RS instead!)
  5. I've looked around online and wasn't sure what size stuff would be right for armor. I plan to do the same thing you're doing, but with a Force Unleashed trooper. Do you have a link, or the name of the site you found your edge trim? Good luck on the rest of your build.
  6. Looks great! Where did you get your edge trim for your armor plates? Did Walt supply it with your kit?
  7. Hey all. I figured I'd throw up this thread to document this project I'll be working on. I don't yet have armor in hand, but I'm narrowing down where I'm going to be sourcing that. I will be needing some transparent parts and I know for sure that WTF has formed some clear helmets this past December (which look pretty damn cool). Just waiting for an update on their clear plastic shipment. For the rest of the suit I'm leaning towards Scootch for his HIPS CAP-W kit, which I've had an easier time getting paint to stick to in my past experiences. (Edited post to remove Black Series bucket) While I wait to hear back from armor makers about kits, I'll get this helmet finished up and fitted with LED strips. I was thinking about trying this one out: https://www.amazon.c...la-314779905744 It's USB powered, so I could probably hook it up to some smartphone battery banks and have them velcro'd to the insides of my helmet and armor. Looking forward to updating this thread with progress!
  8. I noticed most of the reference for this trooper disappeared after Photobucket changed. Since this is going to be my next build, I figured I'd share all the screenshots I took on my Xbox One.
  9. Congrats on the approval. Looking forward to trooping with you!
  10. Yep, Rustoleum. Highly recommended over anything else.
  11. I'm using a star-shaped foam pad, but you're right, it could come down a bit. I ought to cut some foam strips of my own before I do my next troop.
  12. Just got the email... I've been approved! Freakin' finally! Thanks everyone for your encouragement and advice - I wouldn't be here without it!
  13. Today offered a very brief window of time for painting before the snow started falling. I seized that opportunity, and let my paint dry to the touch before I strapped the armor back together. Probably should have waited longer, but I want my TX number now, and I can always patch up the paint job later. Here is my finished Magma Trooper. It's about time
  14. Thanks! You're not the first person to bring that up. I'll adjust it before sending in final pics. I'm using Rustoleum American Accents, 280716 gloss apple red. My local Ace Hardware is having currently having a sale on them - each can is only $2.99 I have tried a few different reds, and this one looks the best to me.
  15. A 42 degree day allowed me to paint most of my armor in one go. I didn't have time to paint my shins and handplates before sundown though. Once the paint cures on everything, I'll get to suit up and submit pictures!
  16. The helmet is done. Just need to install the fans and chinstrap
  17. Hi, fellow New England-er. Also working on a Magma! Will be following this.
  18. Progress! The armor is structurally complete, aside from attaching my new holster to the belt. Just need to buy a new pair of Under Armour bottoms. Not pictured is the thermal detonator canister, which will come off my zombie trooper costume and be replaced later (I won't be trooping that costume for a while). I refrained from beating it up just in case I would need it for something else! Took advantage of a rare opportunity to paint outside in above-freezing temperatures! I think it needs one more coat later on before I paint on the smaller details. Hoping to have more opportunities to paint the rest of the armor soon.
  19. Got back to working on this. For the first time, I think I finally managed to hammer my very own working snap system from start to finish. Just need to make four more straps before I'm ready for another test fitting. Once we have a day with warmer temps, I can get outside and put down some fresh coats of paint. And once my new holster arrives, I'll be pretty much ready to submit this thing.
  20. Not gonna lie, I really can't wait to strap this all together and put it on. Just need to assemble the left thigh and wait on a new knee plate and shoulder straps.
  21. Yeah that looks good. Most of us close 'em like that.
  22. Getting really good results with my spraycans. I'm polishing the helmet as I type this, and will have updated pictures later!
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