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Kade last won the day on November 8 2017

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    Desert Scorpion Garrison

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  1. This ^ I also agree with a previous post that the split on the gauntlets should be a level 2 requirement. I've been unable to find a discussion thread like this over on the JRS which is disappointing as I have some screenshots (I have early access also) that I wanted to share for Hask's costume
  2. No problems, happy to help out. I was actually wondering about Gideon being listed over here as according to the book he, like Iden, was a TIE Pilot. Del had a longer career prior to Inferno Squad and had been both a Stormtrooper and a Shoretrooper and was serving in the fleet as a chief engineer prior to being recruited to Inferno Squad. Seyn was an ISB Intelligence Analyst. If you are reading the book, or planning to, DON'T CONTINUE! BOOK SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't worry about a CRL for Seyn, she doesn't survive the book. Sorry, I don't like to post spoiler info but it would be a shame if people put in work on a CRL for a character that isn't going to be in the game
  3. This one clearly shows the RotJ details, no hengstler or power cylinders along with RotJ specific greeblies, scope and scope rail, also the U channels on the barrel rather than T track. These two also show the RotJ version of the blaster as well. Hope these help
  4. Just a quick note, both draft CRL's here have the description for an ANH E-11 blaster but the blasters being used by Inferno Squad are actually RotJ versions (which is kinda weird considering that everything else is R1 style). I can post some pics later if needed.
  5. Actually, lol, having a look at some reference pics over on JRS it may be a RO Pilot chest and back plate, they have the curved bottom to the chest plate and the O & II TK style backplate.
  6. Yeah after looking at the trailer again and then seeing a RO TK build thread on FISD it's a RO TK backplate and, I believe chest plate (going by the strap attachments), the backplate has that indent at the top edge of the box containing the "O & II" that the other TK's don't.
  7. I saw this too and am quite interested in doing it as a costume. I thought it was a TIE helmet myself, given the chest box and I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that they do both flight and ground ops (not 100% certain on that though). Interestingly, given that those shots are from when the 2nd Death Star blows up (ROTJ) the pilots chest box seems to be the ANH version.
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