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Everything posted by kedg195
Greeting fellow SpecOps troopers...well what can I say, it's been almost a year since I posted on this thread and I am still not finished with my Shadowtrooper. I have had lots of ups and downs in my life, so that's why I haven't made this project come to fruition yet. I will update as info becomes available to me...and progress will be posted. Thanks for looking guys and gals THIS PROJECT IS OFFICIALLY UNDERWAY AGAIN!!
Hello fellow Specops troopers...I have been unable to update this post until now so here goes...the Shadowtrooper is still expected to be completed soon however, I feel it is in my best interest to continue the build after DragonCon 2015...and I will definitely be updating everyone on my progress as this build progresses ....sorry for the delay and MTFBWY!
Good tip bro, and thanks for the kudos...it's a challenging project...I'm currently getting another project ready for an upcoming con, however this build shall resume shortly so stay tuned
Ok...one more update before I get down and shiny (not dirty lol) I have got all my clamshell pieces (thighs, shins, biceps, and forearms) all put together...as it stands I have all soft parts and just need to make some tweaks...hopefully tonight after supper I will be able to take some progress pics of the full suit ...minus a detonator...I still have to paint it and get proper hangers for it (any suggestions where to get those?) Also I need to add another black cover strip to the back of my left shin armor and add Velcro strips...coming along quite well since I have my holster and trooping E-11 from my TIE pilot suit...shouldn't be too much longer now I'll keep ya updated...
And here's my project playground... "]http://[/url]
Here's the thermal detonator I got from a friend of mine...I still have to paint it though and get proper hangers for it "]http://[/url]
OK, just an update on the status of my Shadowtrooper build...we are working out some squawks with the leg armor and are now needing plastic sign material for the cover strips for the hind shin armor... I have found it at local signage and decal shops before but is there anywhere else I could find it? Some of the places I went to before have long gone out of business... also we acquired a utility belt for my drop boxes and hangers for the thigh armor too Gonna hopefully get started on the squawks and harnessing either tonight or tomorrow...also I acquired a thermal detonator that was no longer needed for a friend's TD, and all I've got to do is paint it jet black and get the appropriate hangers for it ...we also assembled my ammo belt to the black canvas belt I purchased recently...it's good to go and should work out nicely when the final fitting is done... I will update more as the project progresses Here's the utility belt for the dropboxes and thigh hangers"]http://[/url]
Just an update on my progress with my Shadowtrooper suit...I will continue the build this weekend at a local armor party...I should be able to complete the suit here, and take submission pics for approval hopefully by the end of the day...I' will update when pics are taken and I have something else to post on here Standby for further progress... :ShadowStorm: :dancing-trooper:
Just to keep everyone updated on my Shadow build, I am about to complete my tour of duty at Star Wars Weekends in Orlando this upcoming weekend...then this build will be in full swing again I will update this post as often and regularly as I can following this weekend... thanks for your patience, and the build will commence very soon
Here's a closeup of the new thigh pieces with refabricated cover strips...more canon now More to come soon! "]http://[/url]
Here's some test pics I took of the newly restripped thigh armor pieces and my leg pieces ...the boots are my old ones, and yes I know they're not approvable I have a new pair of Amsterdams I got from Amazon http://[url="http://"]http://[/url] More to come soon...standby and stay tuned gentlemen
Hello everyone, just wanted to update the progress of my Shadowtrooper build. I am done with the thigh armor parts (clamshells), and now I am gonna be focusing on the more cosmetic parts like the belt and thermal detonator... I have acquired a thermal detonator and will have pics of it soon ...I haven't really had time on the weekends to work on the trooper as I have been marching in parades at Disney for SWW 15'.... Only a couple more weekends to go then I will focus all my time on this build. I have included a pic of me wearing my TIE in one of the parades...I'm closest to the camera "]http://[/url]
Thanks for the info, and I shall take your advice about my thigh armor sir...Here's my newly acquired TX boots ...glad I finally have these, and next week I shall continue with my Shadowtrooper build "]http://[/url]
Ok thank you sir... gonna try the snapping at the bottom of the abdomen style...is it to be snapped front and back for leverage or just the front?
Thank you sir...it was a fiasco, but now I'm back on track! I think the GML will be pleased with the outcome of these.... Now to attach the thighs to the ab/codplate...any ideas for the suspension of them would be appreciated I have been following the FISD, SpecOps, and even the MissingPieces ANH Armor Tutorial...can't seem to put my finger on how I'm going to attach the thighs, and also the shins...or do they just strap on above my boots? I have enough foam inside them to ensure they won't slip off
Just an update from over the weekend...completed the rebuild of my thigh assemblies They came out looking nice and I did a dry run for comfort and durability.. "]http://[/url]
OK Peter...thanks for your tips I'll probably be working on the armor tonight sometime Will post pics soon ...
Just ordered my TX (TK) boots for my Shadowtrooper build! The build itself shall be commencing either this evening or tomorrow!! Question for my 501st and Squad 7 peeps: I am looking for ample material for my cover strips for my armor...any suggestions where I can find the ABS material for this? Also, where can I find the thermal detonator pipe and caps? I have the TX black end caps and the button panel for the detonator? Will post this to the garrison forums too under my armor WIP post
Very nice build...the weathered look is different from the shiny troopers, but it's an interesting concept... Kudos for a great build
Here's where I'm at right now...just completed the rebuilding of one thigh armor assy....now on to the next one either today or tomorrow Stay tuned everyone!! "]http://[/url]
Just an update...the thighs are completely dismantled on one side for thinner cover strips to be glued on soon...gonna work on them tonight...should have a finished product pic for you guys tomorrow... I have included a pic of what the strip looked like before...more to be posted soon "]http://[/url]
Todd, I haven't really thought about doing that with the strips I have already...I was going to refabricate them and go from there...painter is well aware of my situation and will spray the strips again if needed
Thanks guys...as frustrating as this build has been, I am sure when it is finished that it will be a most rewarding experience to finally join the ranks of Spec Ops troopers... I will be dismantling the thighs and trimming up the gaps for the cover strips to go over so they are less thicker and more in unison with my fellow troopers. Question: What should I use to make more cover strips? I was using a plastic display sign from a restaurant before, but I ran out of material...I have included a pic of what the thighs currently look like below... Painful as this may be Todd, I understand what you are saying about looking good and impressing the public with a quality built costume. And last but certainly not least...Jeremy feel free to use my thread for reference bro! "]http://[/url]