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Everything posted by Recon0623

  1. Hey everyone I was wondering if the tubing to the thermal detonator needs to be black or grey. I thought it would be cool to keep it grey for contrast but let me know for certain.
  2. So even little scratches like thaws are not allowed?
  3. I'm not sure if this has been answered yet but is weathering allowed yet for black armor? With scratches and such?
  4. for the cummerbund do i need to to have 6 separate ribs or 6 stitch lines? i have seen people do both does it matter for weir?
  5. Hey everyone I'll be posting pictures of the boots I have been making with a fellow 501st member and all the other part I have up to date tell me what you think! Should be up by the end of next weekend.
  6. That is what I heard too I already placed my order with moncal 2 months ago, but all I heard was great remarks on his work. Just making sure I am getting the best for my buck. Thank you
  7. Hello everyone just curious, I was just wondering who is a better maker for the scout shadow armor mon cal or studio creations? Thanks
  8. Sorry for all the questions guys just like to get input. So I am not going to alter the belt I'm going to stay black to keep it safe. I am a huge fan of the battle worn armor on the scout troopers with the signs of wear and tear at their armor. I went through the reference pictures and weir's armor is a little beat up with some scratches and such. I haven't seen any spec ops guys go battle worn but hear this idea out. If possible making the damage a grey or steel color to make the appearance as though the armor is steel underneath and the paint has come off from use. I just think it could look awesome seeing a weir a little different from the rest nothing crazy just enough to stand out.
  9. Hey guys so i have been working on my weir costume but couldn't help to notice something in the reference pictures. as you can clearly see weirs Belts is pretty beaten up so i think i am going to go for that look when i come to that point in time. Weir is not a typical general he wears a storm commandos armor to show that he is not afraid to get involved in combat (which he is in most pictures) so making him look a little worn is a valid argument. the last thing i want to point out is that in the bottom right reference picture you can clearly see that not only is his bandoleer red but his belt boxes too. i know in most pictures this is not shown but i personally think adding more red would contrast well rather then the couple hits of red on his bicep plates and the v on his belt. If you guys agree that i have the ability to go ahead with this let me know. i think it is a good move just because it looks better. let me know thanks!
  10. Another question for everyone! For the bandoliers they are bright red how does it sounds if the are battle worn and withered down to show use? Would that work or Should I stay with the bright red?
  11. Thanks man you've been a great help!
  12. do you think if i buy the visor of off ebay will i need to do the mirror process or should i be fine?
  13. thank you guys your awesome! i will be posting all of my progress on here for you to see hope you like it and dont be afraid to share opinions!
  14. hey everyone, i am having trouble finding a sheet of red tint that i can throw in my bucket. if anyone can give me a link or lead me in the right direction i would really apprciate it.
  15. Amazing job on your build and thank you for that quick reply!!
  16. Did you make your bandolier or did you buy that from woodchuck? Thanks!
  17. Did you make your bandolier or did you buy that from woodchuck? Thanks!
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