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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by dartoftruth

  1. Hope you can find a way to fuel it with his ego....
  2. I have been reading your posts, I just feel like I'm really not qualified to say much. As far as building mine went, I ended up leaning more towards what the Regular Biker Scouts did, with just color scheme changes, writing off any differences that appeared from SWG as 'glitches' or whatever the correct term is (sorry, still tired). When I submitted that, that's kinda the discussion that was had with Spanos at the time, and he agreed. As for the new reference images....if those are more correct, if the fishhook should go on the other side...or both sides as one of the images showed...I really don't know. I don't know whether its better to trust completely in the screenshot or use what we know of normal bikers to implement onto the Swamptrooper. Like I was saying...I've been keeping up, I just really don't know that I'm the person to ask on this, as most of the decisions I made on the costume were based off cloning the normal bikers
  3. They are the same bucket, for the most part, just a different paint job. I think.
  4. I personally don't know a ton about the TK buckets, but I'd check out http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/122-how-to-pick-a-tx-bucket/
  5. Shiny. Congrats! Be sure to post your WiP pics.
  6. Digging this thread, and Im jealous of your sig for sure. hahah. Looking good!
  7. Did we ever get the full 360 shots for this? Nevermind, don't know why I don't just look. Here they are
  8. Yeah this costume has taken me at LEAST 300 hours so far.
  9. My build thread isn't very good. I mostly followed others threads on the RL boards. And I didn't really take many pictures as I didn't have a camera. But, if anyone does have any questions I'm happy to answer.
  10. Yeah I made the feet in a hurry and with very poor quality tools and it shows. I need to fix them before it'll be approvable, but I'm waiting on a paycheck to buy the materials.
  11. I know, I need to get a Han locally to travel with. hahah The wonder of lifts.
  12. Hahah yeah a good many of you have already seen all this on Facebook and said your congrats over there. But thank you again! Now we just need to troop together so you can see it in person.
  13. No...believe me, I've tried and tried but i can't even get close to a wookie sound..... But I have a sound system in the works...I just need to find a powerful, small speaker and I'm set.
  14. So, I figured I'd post this for the benefit of those who don't have the privilege of being my facebook friend. Still needs a LOT of work, but I'm proud of the progress I made and the response I've gotten thus far. Just waiting on getting in some money to fix up some things then hopefully get him approved.
  15. Very nice mate! I need to find myself a Han locally....hahah
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