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501st Member[501st]
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About ScareDeeKat

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Rancor Raiders

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  • Location
    Whistler, MS

ScareDeeKat's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey guys! sorry for the long disappearing act. Things here have been insane. The flu along with sinus infections have been partyin' hard at my house. But other than a hoarse voice and bit of a lingering cough I'm back on track I finally received my SC helmet kit and WOW this thing is sooo much purdier than that KS crap! So first question, is there a tutorial around for putting the SC together?
  2. Ah I thought as much Thankfully I got the group discount because we ordered so many kits and I got a $50 refund because they sent white instead of black.... So I'm not out too much cash. Still massively disappointed in what I received tho
  3. Ohh ok, thanks soo much! It's a KS. I have heard mixed reviews from different people about the quality of their kits going down over the years.....not sure if that's what happened here or if it was just a bad pull that I got Personally I don't see myself buying another one from them.
  4. Thanks guys! I've started trimming and cleaning up the helmet. It's a pain in the rear since there's soo many wrinkles and bubbles esply in the eye area. It's soo bad in places I can't tell where the "lines" from the vac mold should be I'm thinking I need to cut out some more on the sides of the "eyes". What do you guys think? Thanks
  5. Hey guys Back in the spring I took part in a group armor order with some guys in my neighboring garrison. I decided to go with the Shadow, I already have an approved RotJ scout....plus it will be cool to have a TX since we only have 1 Spec Op trooper in our garrison at the moment Finally after months of waiting and a three hour drive I have my armor in hand! Its SC (same as my RotJ only this one has the improved knees!) Unfortunately there was some him-hawing with the makers of the helmet kits (not SC) and the shadows ended up getting sent white kits I was very unhappy with the helmet kit when I got it in hand. Bad pulls with lots of bubbles and other problems. So I contacted Jeff at SC and placed an order for a black kit (early Christmas gift to myself lol) So now I get to start the waiting process all over again...but at least I have my armor to work on
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