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501st Member[501st]
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danrodjr last won the day on July 18 2016

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About danrodjr

501st Info

  • Name
    Dan Rodriguez
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Old Line

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  • Location
    Bel Air Maryland

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  1. The helmet is a resin slush cast and I had to paint it black.
  2. My armor was molded in the black ABS, I spray painted over it with the black auto paint. It still chips and scrapes up, maily in the thigh area, but with it molded in black you really cant tell. Not sure how the white would hold up.
  3. Forgot to post the weapons, so better late than never.
  4. The color and the red striping on the chest is pretty much it.
  5. I took photos of both the Death Trooper and the Shore Trooper. I think that both of them have a home in Spec Ops!!!
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