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    Ashley Broomhall
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    UK Garrison

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  1. Found a boot. I was wondering if this was acceptable.
  2. Well no sooner did i post this thread than the belt, webbing and pouches arrive. Pouches on belt, not there final position but just to show for sizing. Might need to dye them a little to get a better colour match
  3. For my Coveralls i have gone for a British Army olive green coverall. I am going to send them down to a seamstress i know for modifications. Comments would be great guys. So far my list of mods include: Transfer on pocket over from the donor pair to the main pair for the second leg pocket. Add two chest pockets Remove waist strip and valcro Add mandarin collar Remove shoulder tabs Remove pen pocket Not sure about the position of the leg pockets but i think they look about right
  4. I have loved this costume ever since reading the comic and have even tried to make the sapper one once before but gave up. This costume getting it's own CRL has spurred me onto staring again and getting it done. I'm going to be going for the green trooper build. I've gathered together a few bits and bobs and have a bunch of things on order. Things i have: The coveralls arrived this morning, will need to modify them. More on them later. Boots. Got a pair of genuine german boots that i use for my X-wing and crewman costumes. Blaster. I have a rather nice ROTJ e-11 that will do nicely. Things on order. Belt. Pouches. I have two on order and once they have arrived and i can see what they look like on the belt i will get more or try different pouches. Judging the size for them has driven me half mad. Webbing. To make the H harness. Goggles. Bought a pair of them off ebay last night. Sourced. Helmet. In contact with Walt about a helmet kit.
  5. Another thing that i have noticed is that the helmets do not have hov mics or anything where the hoes would go. It's just left blank.
  6. At the moment we don't know a whole lot. But it's safe to assume that they will be here. They are after all special forces. So i would say they are tailor made for this detachment. Costume doesn't look overcomplicated either which is nice. So far there are three variations: Leader. TK Belt. Scout belt. But the basic costume is more or less a tie pilot without the hoses. Armour appears to be more in line with Rogue One armour with the strap scoops that are seen on R! TK's and shoretroopers. Looking at the trailer the flightsuit is the same, just need to have a red stripe along the right arm and down from under the armpit to the bottom of the right leg. Same pocket configuration. Both imperial cogs are replaced with spec ops patches. ROTJ blaster Variations: Leader: Tie Pilot helmet Tie chest and TK back Tie pilot box Flightsuit commpad Shoulder pauldron Gauntlet gloves Crewman boots TK belt with drop boxes and TD on the back. E-11 holster on left side Optional. That little droid. Looks like what the Seventh sister had in Rebels. Attaches to the back. TK Belt: Tie Pilot helmet Tie chest and TK back Tie pilot box Flightsuit commpad Imperial belt, used on crewman and officers Gauntlet gloves Crewman boots E-11 holster on left side TK belt to be worn slung over the top of chest Scout belt: Gauntlet gloves Crewman boots Tie Pilot helmet Tie chest and TK back Tie pilot box Flightsuit commpad E-11 holster on left side Black MP40 pouch with added pocket Scout trooper belt with drop boxes Three boxes that sit below the pilot box
  7. Ok had a quick bash at the backpack using card on top of the frame. Excuse the slapdash nature of the card prototype it is simply to get the sizing right and then proved a template for the plastic boxes. What do you guys think regarding the size of the boxes? Also some other bits and bobs arrived in the mail today so i was able to put together the harness Excuse the orange flightsuit, i have yet to order the black one Also my black hat arrived, it's one of those Museum Replica ones and actually fits my head, although it is in need of a iron.
  8. Thanks for the help, that solves that problem quite nicely. Looking though the previous empire comic the black pioneer does make a appearance, although without helmet and pack. But the basic elements of the costume are there. I've only just realised this as i assumed they were green troopers since a lot of the images are of them at night but stumbled upon a few of them in the day light. I'm posting the one below since it shows a small variation in the costume. I'm also now thinking of doing the green troopers as well.
  9. I'm going to start construction of the pack next week. Using the basic dimensions of the sandie pack for general size then working from that i should be able to come up with something. Once the frame is built it should move on rapidly once i have prototyped it with card. I've got some donor straps already sorted so that at least is one step in it's construction. Digging through my loose assortment of bits and bobs i've found a webbing belt i was going to use for a project i but since i have long given up on that i thought it might do for the pioneer Now onto another matter. Boots. All the pictures i have of the pioneer he wears ankle high boots that meet the flightsuit. Of course this means that i will have to put elastic in the bottoms of my flightsuit legs to get the same shape they have in the comic. Picture below shows what i'm trying to get at. Now looking at images of the pioneers boots next to images from the same comic of stormtrooper boots leads me to think that Chelsea boots might just do the trick. I've got someone working on converting the image of the patch to a drawing, which will then in turn be sent to a patch guy i know. So fingers crossed i should be able to get some of the shoulder patches done up. I would go for the rocker patch as well but not all of the pioneers have them and there are no good images of it.
  10. Really getting stuck into this today. Right first things first. The Suspenders: Found a reference for them from cannon while looking for a good image of the goggles So i think we can safely say that the suspenders are meant to be webbing/seat belt as the one in the films are. Also i took the liberty of scanning all the good images of the green troopers, most of these show the back H and also the pouches that are attached to the belt. As well as the shoulder patches but it isn't till the next issue that we get a clear image of what's on the patch
  11. OK colour me interested in this costume. Still plotting out everything so not much to report. The only thing i can add is a good screen shot of the shoulder patch the troopers have. I'm going to look into getting some of those made. Also beneath the pack and attaching to the front and back of the belt is a leather suspender that has a H on the back. There is also a green version of this costume which is seen in earlier issues of Empire and they are the drivers and techs of a expedition. The only difference is that the helmet and flightsuit are green. Same shoulder patches and same ankle high laceless boots.
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