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501st Member[501st]
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About Bullant

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  • 501st Garrison
    Redback Garrison

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  1. It took a LONG time, but Mel is finally approved. I know that Craig will be proud to know that his First In the Legion costume will be worn as often as possible.
  2. New approval pics submitted, let's hope we are good to go this time. Craig's goal was to have the costume ready and approved as a world's first in time for the biggest troop in the Southern Hemisphere at Dreamworld on the May the 4th weekend. Fingers crossed
  3. Thanks for all your help, it's amazing that we still managed to miss things even though we had a checklist from the CRL. Will get the aerator and chest indent painted today!
  4. Whoops, that's what you get for doing approval pics on a time constraint after a long day at work ... just realied the knees are upside down ... at least it's a not a major issue to fix, even if it make me look like a complete numpty!
  5. This one has been a bit quiet ... as most of you would know Craig was very excited about the Animated Swamp Trooper that he was working at the time of his death. This was going to be a world first costume and he was hoping to have it ready for the biggest troop in the Southern Hemisphere at Dreamworld on the May the 4th weekend. Mel and I have been working furiously to get this costume modified to fit her and to get the final components finished in time to get it approved for Dreamworld. Approval photos were submitted this evening. Please excuse the photos, my photoshop skills are not fantastic and ignore the orange tinge I had an orange sheet up which is reflecting on the armour. And finally to make sure that we adhere perfectly to the reference pictures
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