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501st Retired[501st]
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About Brixz

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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison

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  1. So yesterday I went to my door to find the Sideshow Blackhole Stormtrooper sitting on my steps. I must say this is a wonderful addition for anyone who collects Blackhole gear. After careful inspection of the figurine I must say that the battle worn effects are amazing. You still get your Novus polish like gloss with the effects of rolling around and getting into some trouble. It is the best of both worlds. I am surpised no one has attempted to replicate this out of sheer fun yet. Being that I have three weeks of vacation left, there is a good change that I may dable in this... SO....... stay tuned...
  2. I certainly don't mind the shine... but then I have always wanted to be different and stand out as much as possible.... guess I was the kid yelling "LOOK AT ME" growing up.. HAHA Indeed I did see the Sideshow figurine.. and will take a closer look at it.. Crazas you gonna be in Orlando next fall???
  3. Doing very well... have been off the grid for a while... my son was born last November, so at 7 months old, I am actually able to start functioning semi-normal again... HAHA So who offically declares what is weathered or not... is it our group or someone else who dictates what we do with our gear to get it approved? I haven't been around long enough to know how the process works. I would think we would come up with our ideas and then show them and let them decide? Regradless I am going to start doing some research and will put something together before I decide to more forward. I just am starting to have a problem looking at my gear all shiny and such.. makes me feel all "green" HAHA
  4. So another summer is here and another project is about to get started. Hope you all are doing great, and glad to see the boards active per usual!!!! I think back to our picture on the steps in Orlando and how I can't wait to do another photo opp with you guys! That being said, do we have anyone that has done a battle worn TX yet? I tried a search but really didn't find anything. Was thinking about doing that for my summer project, and wanted to see if anyone has done it or tried it yet! Cheers, Brixz
  5. haha or if you are handy with some velcro and a sewing machine... make your own modifications... flip er down go to town and then back up again and stromtroopers will rejoice in your ability to come up with a way to stand at a urinal.. I can see the pics now! hahaha
  6. Awesome!!! glad to have another Florida TX... we must multiply!!!!
  7. I personally like to buy my own undersuit as it is VERY form fitting and I like to try it on before you buy it... and if the undersuit is used... HAHA deal breaker right there.. lol but in all honesty.. best to get the better quality, in my opinion.. the other stuff is just fluff and you'll end up changing those things out at some point or another. And you said the cheaper suit is "probably" better quality? Id do some research and make sure for a fact before you make the purchase! You can always make your own holster if thats the case.. and if you carry a DLT or something it won't even be necessary.
  8. Was actually a lot of fun.. and i didn't buy any mod pieces or anything.. just tried to do it with what I had / could find. if ya do I'd love to see what ya come up with Thanks for the kind words!
  9. So while I am waiting on my DLT to be shipped I came across a Hasbro... While not originally planning to do an E11 I thought I would give it a go round. Nothing fancy, nor is it exact, I wanted to just have fun with it. Even though its not anywhere near perfect or accurate like some strive to do, it is art and I enjoyed the process. Basically in order to acheive some weight I used PVC to lenghten the gun itself. The true Sterling SMG was longer than the Hasbro so I wanted to go for at least the proper length. Beyond that I just did what I thought looked cool after the research from ALL the many variations. The fun part was using the sheet metal for the folding stock, the magazing holder, magazine itself and the back rail. I used a contact solution cap for the tip of the gun. (held the LED perfect) I recently replaced the windshield wipers on my wife's car so I used those as my T-track. Enjoy the photos Fun with PVC Had to get rid of that horrible back side... A much better length Time to drill some holes Playing with sheet metal ... yeah fun? After a few coats of paint and some Windshield wipers...
  10. The Florida folk are super nice down here.. I was able to get my TX through in about a week. With CV coming up I think they are really looking at things with speed! Pictures look awesome! Keep us posted.... Will be nice to have another FL TX!
  11. Here was my thread from the running of my project: --------------------------------------------------- ok so I got my armor last Wednesday from Scootch. Was super excited I must say. I have done a little sewing for my own neck piece and then started trimming and paint. Its taken a bit of work, but for the first time I am super happy with the results. I have a feeling I will go back again and again.. as I tend to be a perfectionist.. lol Enjoy the pics thus far and I am open to INPUT! So I still have a little trimming here and there on my chest to make it fit better for me.. but here are the latest pics! Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have since updated some things on the armor and tweaking and redoing things which I will photo and add later! -Cheers
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