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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by SorcererX

  1. Haven't posted for awhile, I'm terrible at that. Here are some pics. Enjoy, I hope. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  2. Finally making decent progress. Got my bucket painted partially. Two coats on and I'm going to assemble tomorrow. Will post pics when I have the time
  3. Funny. I asked this same question in another forum and people jumped on my case like crazy.. Saying 3d printing was stupid and wouldn't work. It's nice to see some people are looking towards the future here!
  4. Thanks, just wanted to be sure on that.
  5. I was planning to use CA on the armor. I have not heard of gassing but it makes sense. I have other glues to use just in case. I am just about read to glue too! Work has been very busy and not much time left to work on my armor. Anyway, CRL related question. The "reference" pics from the video game show the sniper plate painted and going all the way around. But no one else seems to be doing that when doing their costume. What's up with that?
  6. You won't lose points if you paint. I have seen people paint their tks after a while when they lost their luster. You will be ok. Just take your time
  7. Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to paint after. I've been overly busy lately, should have time now.
  8. That makes complete sense. I like to build all my own stuff anyway, just so I can say 'I' did it. I really dig your work though.
  9. I will be wet sanding, priming with a black, gloss black paint, and then priming. Probably severe at least 2 coats of each. I'm going to have to figure something out for temperature wise though. It's getting too cold outside too quick. I may have to set up a make shift booth in my basement.
  10. Everything is just about prepped and ready to prime this weekend. Sherwin-williams will put the color you want in a spray can for you now too, so that's pretty awesome.
  11. I have both e6000 and ca glue with the accelerator spray. I'm going to enlist some help though if I use the ca glue.
  12. Just chiming in here to offer my advice from professional experience. I used to exercise a lot when I was younger. I did triathlons and a few half marathons. Hydration is extremely important and often it is ignored. Your body needs water to function properly, plain and simple. Your body uses an incredible amount of electrolytes in heat and strenuous activities. A great source for this is actually pickle juice, but if you are like me and don't want to drink a jar or pickles, there are plenty of other options. I used to make a drink for myself that was actually pretty good and worked great. A mixture of water (duh) lemon juice, coconut water, mint, baking soda, and a tiny bit of salt. But just remember, what you take it, has to come back out. I thought about using one of those hydration packs and it would be a great idea but as others have said, using the facilities makes it a pain. You could always get yourself one of those stadium wizzers though
  13. Armor is ready for paint! Hopefully during the week or over the weekend I can get it done. Anyone have a suggestion on what brand works best?
  14. This is by far one of the most impressive bucket builds I have ever seen. This is pretty much exactly what I had in mind of doing with mine, but did not have the ingenuity to do it. I am overly impressed! How much for me to send you my bucket and you do this with mine? lol jk!
  15. I know I asked this in my build thread but I am not sure if many people saw it and I apologize for asking again if it was clarified elsewhere. I am building a novatrooper medic costume. Of course, the armor for this needs to be black. My armor came to me WHITE. Do I want to paint the armor before or after I start assembling and gluing parts together or after everything it together.? I ask because I have a few conflicting suggestions on how it should be done. Some say paint last, after everything it completely assembled and some say paint before I assemble while everything is in separate pieces still. Thank you! Aaron
  16. Sorry about the confusion. I tend to leave out key information sometimes
  17. I have considered that, but what if I do repairs in the future or upgrade/modify? There would be unpainted spots in the armor and I would have to repaint the whole piece and possibly everything to keep the color matched. Even using the same paint and repainting doesn't always look alike, that is what I am worried about. To clarify, my armor kit came to me in white. Aaron
  18. Ok, so I am done with my trimming and sanding. Ready for fitting and assembly real soon. But my question is do I want to paint before I start gluing or after? It seems to be like it would be more logical to paint before I glue and do all the strapping.
  19. That's pretty much what I was considering. But the more I think about it, I'll probably do this all on my next build. I want to have one in good order first. Then I'll experiment with another, maybe a pipe build.
  20. Sounds good guys. I was going to pull it apart and secure it better with some screws but maybe later
  21. forgot to post progress pics. I've been really busy and had little time to get further
  22. just to keep everyone updated, I received my kit today! going to start my trimming later on the day. I know it's early yet, but should I paint before or after I assemble?
  23. Hey guys! Sorry, I have been really busy with a lot of things. I got my blaster about 60% done, but I am thinking about starting over. Basically, I want an actual working trigger. I know I saw a build where the person used some springs and a nail or something to make it functional. I can't seem to find it again though I also need to make a rail for the scope and a mount for the counter, since my kit didn't come with them. Any thoughts? My armor should be here any day now too!
  24. THanks! making progress and I will post post pics eventually.
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