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About spica

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    Imperial Sands Garrison

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    San Diego, CA

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  1. -comes back 3 years later with starbucks- so I bought some armor for this finally lol.... its in the mail.
  2. Thank you! Nah, the pic in that thread is a droidhunt badge I'm painting 26 sketchcards for the Topps Empire Strikes Back Illustrated set (based on the radio dramatization). I can't show 'em, one cause they aren't done lol but also cause I am assuming they are kept under wraps until after the set debuts.
  3. Yep. Lee Kohse. I actually got on my first star wars sketchcard set too!
  4. Yep, I will be there as my ordinary self!
  5. Wow thanks so much guys! I am pretty proud of the boots but of course I owe much to the fabulous tutorial. I actually did start carving the soles with an xacto knife but then got intimidated because I couldn't make straight lines very well... what's the actual proper tool to use for that? A sandpaper bit on the dremel? I also need to map out the best way to do it that takes the grooves that they came with into account... I don't think I can get them to look just like the movie ones because of that.. but I can try to get something close.
  6. Finished my boots Also I got my gloves finally These were the gloves I bought from imperialboots. He was the only person I could find who would sew me a custom pair out of vinyl. I think they turned out pretty nice and they fit well. I expect I will have to replace the "suede" with something more suede like.. I don't think the microfleece he used really works all that well. But I'm pretty happy with them over all. I'm only worried because they aren't as thick looking as the leather gloves people are using... which is nice on a practical level because thick gloves are cumbersome and these look pretty elegant on me, but I don't know if they look -right-... someone please assuage my fears because if these won't work, I don't know what I will do. I'm afraid the rest of my build is going to have to be put on hold yet again due to the job situation... but even if it takes me a year, I WILL GET THIS DONE.
  7. Here are my mild updates started building boots: I know most of the lumpy laced parts are gonna be covered by the other piece Also got the stitching mostly done on the cover piece. Still got a ways to go on these. Also finally able to buy synthetic gloves from imperialboots.com! Yay! So those have been bought and I will probably make a post at bsn about them since I might not be the only one who has wanted nonleather gloves. I can't be the only vegan in the legion
  8. The flightsuits they were ordering didn't have that many pockets and I can just remove the ones they do. Redkap doesn't seem to carry anything in XS.. I fit into the size 32 flightsuit and the smallest redkap has is 34.
  9. I finally am at a point where I can begin piecing this together Haven't bought anything YET but I did have a few questions. Someone mentioned in another thread that SC was going to come out with a smaller kit in Feb? I emailed them, but if anyone has more info about that in the meantime, neato. I'm 5'4" and petite. It'd be awesome to have another option. If you were focused and assuming you already had the soft parts and boots and all, how long would you say it takes to get the armor done from when it arrives to when it's ready to wear? I know it depends on how much sizing/shaping you have to do, but it didn't seem like there was that much to assemble... it's just that I keep hearing people act like it'd be really hard to do in a couple months. Why would that be? I was looking at a few boot bases and wanted to know which would be better to make the boots out of. http://www.payless.com/mens-cheyenne-fleece-boot/67604.html?dwvar_67604_color=black or http://www.payless.com/mens-commuter-zip-fleece-boot/73627.html?dwvar_73627_color=black I think the soles on the first are more close to accurate, but I kind of prefer the actual boot shape of the second.. I just think it would be more comfortable to have something higher than ankles and having a zipper instead of laces... but from someone with experience, which would you say is better? I'm also likely gonna put lifts in 'em if that means anything (I need all the height help I can get ). Otherwise the only progress I've made is that I went to the army surplus store to try on a few flightsuits and the guy there ordered a couple in black for me to try when they come in in a few weeks YAY. Oh and someone said they have a pistol I can have so that's something checked off too. Hopefully it wont be another month before I post an update
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