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Ewok Hunter

501st Member[501st]
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About Ewok Hunter

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  • 501st Garrison

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    Westminster, CO

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  1. If it's from Bolivia it's Christian's helmet. He does post his stuff on Ebay and I got my soft parts from him through his Ebay auctions. He does good work and people on the BSN forums have liked his helmet once they do get it. Unfortunately he can be a little slow, and US Customs is even slower in delivering it to the Post Office. People get his because it has the biggest inside dimensions and some of us have heads too big for an SC bucket to close properly.
  2. Those are not the most comfortable way to blouse the pant legs. Try these instead. http://www.amazon.com/Black-Velcro-Blousing-Garters-Set/dp/B000HKNAB4/ref=sr_1_3/185-2832797-0207920?ie=UTF8&qid=1412518682&sr=8-3&keywords=military+blousing+straps
  3. Lack of skills. I foolishly thought the scout wouldn't be much more than attaching or gluing a few things and adjusting some straps to make it fit right. Been thinking about selling the kit before I start in, break something and end up having spent $500 on what would end up as worthless plastic. Been looking at the instructions and they may as well be in penguin with how much I understand them.
  4. Not sure if I will be able to finish this one.
  5. May not matter anymore, but the bund/pouches and flak vest arrived today from Bolivia.
  6. Finally found it after I showed up with printouts of the tracking and demanded to know why it had not been delivered yet. It looks like everything is there and now I am trying to decipher the assembly instructions.
  7. Local post office has no clue where it is now....
  8. USPS isn't being any better for domestic. Got my shipping notice from SC the other day and according to the tracking number it went out for delivery on Wednesday morning but no updates after that and no box here. It's insured and has delivery confirmation, but I am now getting worried.
  9. Yeah, but a shadow trooper with some LED's on it would still look awesome. Do it in the same areas as a TFU trooper, but maybe go with red instead of blue.
  10. For short term undersuit adjustments you could do what we did to jeans back in the 80's and peg the legs of it. This will tighten it at the shoulders, hips and legs. Long term you may want to consider alterations since even on the Mountain Garrison forums a few of the women have mentioned it since these suits are usually made for male figures and not female.
  11. Does the collar need to be flipped up on these? All the pics I have seen of it they have it flipped up. It doesn't look like your undersuit came with one, but if you put a black cloth strap across the throat area you could flip the collar up and maybe even the zipper as well to hide them. Mine is more of a military flight suit style so when the zipper is all the way up it flips the collar up for you and hides it with a strap about 1 1/2" wide.
  12. I might want one of these down the road.
  13. Yep, just at the mercy of wait times, and US Customs for a couple of items.
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