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    Ninety Six, SC USA

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  1. Thanks, guys. TROOPER, I actually have one extra helmet kit that we pulled. I sent you a PM in case you are genuinely interested. As I said earlier, we are not set up for production but if we have some extra parts, we would be happy to make them available to any who would need them.
  2. Here's a helmet we pulled last weekend for a friend.
  3. It will probably take primer/sanding and paint to get the finish I want.
  4. Yes, the underneath side of the ABS sheet has a rough texture. It shows through a little especially in the thinner areas. Sanding seems to make it much less noticeable. In the picture above, it had not been sanded.
  5. Here's the helmet more or less trimmed out, still held together with magnets. Eyes and frown are cut out. Trim out, prime, sand, paint, rivet together, trim and attach ears, attach brow and neck trim, attach mic tips, detail traps and tube stripes, assemble lenses and padding... and done!
  6. We got the whole helmet pulled this weekend... Here, it is still mostly untrimmed and held together with magnets so I could see how it might looked assembled. I think we still have some work to do on the molds.
  7. Faceplate, first pull. Cap and back...
  8. For 501st approval: "Black leather or leather-like, above ankle height, with a flat sole, and small U-shaped elastic sections on both sides of the ankle with no buckles or laces. Jodphur-type boots or an equivalent style. All stitching must be black, and unnecessary or decorative stitching must not be present. Elvis / Mariachi boots are not acceptable." To me, the stitching on these boots is not unnecessary, as it holds the panels together. Definitely not decorative. Some may interpret that differently. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. It's my understanding they will meet basic approval. I got them because of the good price and availability. I will upgrade when I'm ready to take the next step. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Here's a better look. These arrived yesterday...
  11. OK, I have already posted some of this in another thread, but it's time I gave it a thread of its own. I have already made a couple of E-11 blasters and a paper mache stormtrooper helmet. Now, I'm getting down to the nitty gritty with some serious vacuum formed armor and other handmade accessories. Here's what I have so far... E-11 Blaster (scratch built) I made this holster for my E-11 blaster over the weekend... Neck Seal (scratch built) I ordered these boots this weekend... http://www.shoebuy.c...9/376517/802555 Vacuum Formed Armor Parts I still lack a vacuum formed helmet, knee bandolier, belt, thermal detonator, hand guards, and a few accessories. I have already purchased brow trim (US52) and neck trim (SWR149) from Seals Direct. I also have a dark green visor material for the lenses. I strapped the chest and back together with elastic at the shoulders and added the formed shoulder straps to the chest piece. I am working on trimming out and fitting all of the armor pieces I now have. I have more ABS plastic on the way to finish the parts I need. Stay tuned...
  12. I ordered these yesterday. 20% off and free shipping, but I think the deal is about to expire. Less than $50 with the discount. Not too bad. http://www.shoebuy.com/giorgio-brutini-66059/376517/802555 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks. Guess I was a little gun-shy after reading some of the zero tolerance opinions on the matter. I just want to enjoy being a part of the 501st community, and so far I have had a blast learning about vacuum forming and all the small details that go into making a proper suit of armor. But that's what it's all about, right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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