Hello there,
i hope i'm right with my about the following Topic here:
I recently encountered the description of the Imperian Army Troopers on Wookieepedia and would like to know if I would build such an Costume with the Help of reference Pictures and Text which describes the Armour,
would it be authorized because there is no CRLs.
I add to my Post the Pictures I found on Wookieepedia and the Text which describes the Armour. The Way I read it, the Imperial Army Trooper wear the same Armour as the Snowtrooper, which means Breastplate, Backpack and Termal Detonator.
Thank You for your Informantion.
Here the Pictures and the Text:
Text from Wookieepedia:
Their uniforms were cut in a similar manner to the Imperial Navy Troopers, although they were primarily green on occasion. They also wore plasteel armor of a similar nature to the Snowtroopers