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501st Reserve[501st]
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About TXig31

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Mountain Garrison

TXig31's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Sure !! When are you free next?
  2. I have just finished putting together all of my armor finally!! Now I just have the helmet left. I am a little apprehensive about putting it together but think it is just beginners jitters. I have the ABS cement already and a dremel tool will I need anything else ? And when attaching the cap to the back should I get clamps or magnets? Thanks for any help!!!
  3. Yeah I bet you're right lol. And sadly no I would have loved to though I've been dying to go since literally forever but just have never made it :'( But now that I've sucked my wife into my obsession a bit hopefully we can go next year or the one after. it's really been a big hope for myself and my dad to go so I'd really drag him along lol at 20 years old though I look forward to many many years at celebration
  4. Awesome yeah I'll ask around here to see if anyone has one going. Maybe one will pop up after celebration. Thanks!!!
  5. Ok thanks I looked at the strapping and it seems easy enough. So my biggest issue probably would be the helmet but I'll do some more research. Any suggestions on a rivet gun and type of rivets that work best?
  6. Hey guys so I have everything I need for my Shadow scout all the SC armor is here but I have a BIG dilemma!!! I am a bit timid to assemble it myself. SC sent the instructions but they seem a bit vague for someone like me. This is my very FIRST build I am super eager but don't want to mess it up. Any advice? Any help you can give is super appreciated!!!!
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