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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by martinlajske

  1. It looks well.Good luck with the approval of the costume.
  2. Very very nice!And question,where you bought this DLT-19 or who produced it.Thanks for answer Martin.And sorry for my English.
  3. Welcome on the forum.Hope I'II see you soon.
  4. Can you recomend which one is best for trooping. Or which one do you recommend - so that it would be aprooved by 501.From this shop. http://www.janhauzr.cz/index.php?orderby=product_price&DescOrderBy=ASC&Itemid=1&option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=435&manufacturer_id=0&keyword=&keyword1=&keyword2=&limit=%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_virtuemart%26Itemid%3D1%26category_id%3D435%26page%3Dshop.browse%26limitstart%3D0%26limit%3D20&limitstart=0.Thanks,Martin
  5. Hmm it looks good and I look forward to see you in the costume in real.
  6. Hi very nice job!Just one question.You resize (cut) somehow the butt plate?Thanks Martin.SORRY for my English.
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