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Everything posted by ID2661

  1. to Shaggy: thanks, man. You will be better, your progress is perfect.... I have still problem with my free time, job takes all and final progress was very slow. Today i send final pics to my GML for consultation....
  2. So, armor is in color with some details. Im ready to glue velcro's and carrying straps. I have my first fitting test, its hold together with strong will and sellotape
  3. Dear friends, Another several hours spent in the workshop and I'm again a step closer to achieving my goal. As you could see the last time, I made a small tilting door on the back of the helmet. As for the latest modifications, I've altered the thigh plates and remodelled the belt: I've kept the belt divided into two parts. The first one is part of the stomach plate, where I laminated pegs, and the second is part of the back plate, which has nuts laminated in it. The stability of the upper part as a whole is immaculate. What remains is to level out a couple of uneven places and I can start to cover it with paint. I've also cast the leg plates in resin and I'll start grinding them in the near future. Only the boots and the blaster will be left then. I'd like to ask DL SpecOps and CRL officers to comment on the current state of the costume. There's a lot of work to be done before it's finished and I'd be happy if it was all right and acceptable in your view, too. Thanks for your time, ID2661 Gree
  4. Dear friends, i am very close to finish this project. All parts are sanded and prepared for color. You can look in my web gallery https://picasaweb.google.com/bast.gree/SithTrooper
  5. Yes, General Klytus, it was present for my best friend. This mask was a hard, almost 2 month modeling Blackhole: I have now 4 problematic places on armor and no ideas how fix it. I'm trying some parts remodeling. After this, it will be 2 month work to the finish (without weapon and boots)
  6. After some time, i am back again. Last month i finished some parts for Talon and Boushh, but have some progress in building mine trooper. Now i repairing helmet, making new parts, fiberglass.... If anyone interested, here is my gallery on Picassa : https://picasaweb.google.com/bast.gree/
  7. I wish you luck, pal. Mine armor is made without papakura files. All was sculpted ( base on boxboard), molded, and tested on my own body. i searched pepakura few months, visited many forums, without result. I can upload some pics.
  8. thanks for the point. I mean, this is only bad quality fotos. Wait few days, please, i'll make new pics
  9. Greetings everyone, i'm working now on this great costume from KOTOR era. As i posted on Eclipse detachment, i'm almost finished my helmet, hand armor, forearms and shoulders. Next year i will working on another parts, waiting much cutting and bonding. Small problem is with agility vs. design (mold). i make all parts from Fiberglass, same as my Revan's armor. This is quick and cheap way. I'll try give you more information and pictures. On this two pics you can see my first color test Regards, Jan
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