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In Memoriam[501st]
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Everything posted by Beskarwolf

  1. yes. The other "official" pic was just the Death Trooper helmet shopped on a photo from the sideshow collectibles photo of their shadow trooper. Lights has been added, sometimes also the Imperial crest in the middle of the chestplate.
  2. Hi there. Actual photos from the "Death Troopers" of Rogue One
  3. Thanks. Now to something less serious. Experimenting with different loadouts: Cheers Tim
  4. Good news. I have been approved. Let´s raise our steins. Cheers.
  5. Still waiting...

  6. Well... still waiting for a feedback from my garrison.
  7. Waiting for a go from my garrison

  8. Thanks again, Chef. Now I`m waiting for the feedback from the German Garrison.
  9. Thank you very much. Well. Not much left to do. I should send my wife on vacation together with our kids. Then I would have enough time. I want to get my gear approved this year.
  10. I hope so. The whole gear is built by Chef, so the quality shouldn`t be a problem. I sent these pics also to the GMO of my garrison.
  11. Hello. Long time, no see. Here are my latest photos of my shadow scout. Maybe I am now ready for approval. What do you think? Cheers Tim
  12. That`s something one of my contacts sent me: http://www.alientechstudio.com/?content=store.details&id=17 http://www.alientechstudio.com/?content=store.details&id=18 It`s something to start with.
  13. Thanks, Chef. That helps a lot.
  14. What`s left to do: connection of bund - breast plate adjustement and fixings of the pouches. I think I will use velcro here. More pics (I really have to lose some weight): Cheers Tim
  15. Thanks. Tomorrow I will add some padding to the knee armor and adjust the belt straps, glue my "noisy cricket" aka scout blaster together and I should be finished.
  16. Today my gear arrived. That`s the first pic I took: Still a few adjustements to do, then I`ll be ready for approval. Cheers Tim
  17. I ordered my gloves from WW. They are very accurate.
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