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501st SpecOps[TX]
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lorddavids last won the day on April 21 2018

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About lorddavids

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  • 501st Garrison
    Italica Garrison

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    Genoa, Italy

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  1. Hi guys, I've been waiting for my approval as Imperial Army officer before posting here in order to show my gear and help other people, and now the time has come: Details: My gear: Helmet: ordered from WTF Hat: made by a girl from Italica Garrison Rank: made by Gianfilippo Zamboni from Italica Garrison Boots: from Ukraine Flight Suit: Vietnam era USMC Mechanic Utility Coveralls from ebay Gloves: from China Belt, pouches: italian airsoft websites Harness: hand made Commlink: made of idraulic and electric spare parts Mandarin collar: Mandarin collar is made from unstitching the western collar and re-using the fabric for the new collar. No extra fabric (i.e. from trousers) was used, just black fabric was added inside to make it stable. Velcro was sewed in order not to be visible. Waiting for the helmet I bought second-hand Scott goggles and blackout film for car glasses And black gauntlet gloves from amazon: Thanks for you attention, Davide TX/TK-92011
  2. Ok, I've read the new proposed CRL doesn't contain the indication of CONDOR MA33. A simple OD Green Triple Magazine belt pouch for M4/M16 is good to be a valid alternative?
  3. Are there other alternatives for Condor MA47 MA33? Because in Europe are very uncommon...
  4. No no 850 Armor DT, I read some days ago that they made a version for taller people with shins and forearm longer... Yeah i know AM, my NE is in part derived from AM
  5. Wow! I'm 6'2 and I went with NE, I can understand.... So your version is not the version with forearm and shins longer, right? Mmmm........also me, as Centurion I'd like to have something accurate, and possibly in black ABS (the armor, not the helmet)....for these reasons I waiting for KB Props, in order to see the result.
  6. So just a matter of time. What do you think about accuracy of 850 armor and the plastics, maybe in comparison with an original trilogy tk armor?
  7. Interesting. I don't know if going with a full armor by KB Props (in developing) or going with 850 Armor. Why did you decide to get helmet from KB and the armor from 850?
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