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About darthpinpin

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  • 501st Garrison
    monaco outpost

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    MONACO-Monte Carlo
  • Interests
    SW...what else?

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  1. Iz, if you want to open the possibility to build an approval process, it will be more difficult for all who will want to build one like this, i've made it with a lot of pieces taken every where, because it's not easy to have the right one who's been only draw... imagination is bigger than reality. like the boots, it take me two month to find this pair with the three buckles who were on the comics...
  2. must see that more "imperial" details have been added, as it's not a classic costume, first seen push us in a "ghostbuster's one" instead of a possible SW saga one... and the first idea on this kind of costume, is for the pouches and the backpack, many variant can exist for different speciality. i'm working on an other variant with a rocket launcher...
  3. hello all. i open a new way for a new costume. this idea is born on an Italian's event, where i've meet Davide Fabbri, a designer who have made job for star wars saga, in some comics series, like EMPIRE. he have made a new soldier, who has regular troop help the elite stormtrooper assault. it began has a joke, and after seing the comics and collect some pictures, i've made the costume... here are the pictures where the destroyer enginer appears: and here you are the new costume i've made for pleasure...and trooped also two time in two different events, in two different garrisons, french one and italian one. and in the same time, i've made a variant with armored chest, who can be more usefull for a ground assault. the chest have too a grapping hook at the side. some "military tags" have been added, like the "born to blast" in imperial code on the left side of the helmet, the card "black aces" on the top of the chest, so a feww add who made this costume more accurate for battlefields.. perhaps it can open the way for a future approval, using more of the expanded universe... and here is a picture with the creator, Davide Fabbri, who was very happy to see his creation in live...
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