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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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T0R1 last won the day on April 25 2018

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About T0R1

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California

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    Garden Grove, CA

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  1. lol my sis was amused with the people so here is a shot with the backish details
  2. Lol yeah though big bro not as excited as little bro....well anyways was working hard to get it done before a 4th of july parade and well here it is...though I need to glue the crud out of it again hehe...minor details. Anyways I slap on a quickly made holster till I find a more "his size" blaster...didnt want to leave his little bro out so I bought one from disney outfit and blaster >.> he pretty chill with it After went to a convention and met up with a friend from SF garrison....lets say we just stood there for a while...people taking pictures galore lol Anyways till i get some more pictures from people I shall post
  3. Starting to pull together...almost done with legs (i hope) and working on belt....=_= i cant sew
  4. I do hope so too lol but the one most excited is actually a bit smaller so it's going on his older brother for a bit till he grows into it ... TEST FITTING DAY probably have to pad the sucker up but yeah...inch of everything seems to be doing the trick
  5. So yeah I did went off and cut like an inch off everything...>.> did work on the arms...still slapping those strips on And went off trimming those that are done and decided to cut a bit on the chest piece too...we are pretty much luke size family lol even on tiny portions getting there slowly x_x
  6. lol we shall see steve...that will be several years well after a couple of days n work n stuff went to trimming phase and of course nephew is kinda excited so he wanted to put it on...I worked a bit on putting the chest together my nephews are freaking thin so I would probably have to cut away an inch off everything =/
  7. Sooo yeah >.> I got myself the TX kids kit and even though my nephews are kinda too small for the build...(I'll make it work) I'm not one on process so this is more of a progress pics Well start by what it looked like out of the box! Then got working on the helmet And this is what the helmet looks like next to a EFX (my helmet) Probably will get matted black for the vocoder (i think it's called)....anyways I've been following Pandatrooper build on http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/tutorials/article/1-howto-assembling-ata-abs-helmet-1/ Went and trim the extra plastic from the other parts and well..the ever so fun sanding down the edges x_x
  8. Reviving this thread (so i dont have to make a new one) to show ya my shadow troopers new eyes for those that got the efx model lenses. Got the Afx fast shields on amazon for 7$ large and its big enough for the cut out for a pair on the bottom is what the defult efx lenses but can kinda see the wear and tear. Drilled some holes and installed it back in...though its better to drill smaller holes and have a washer for the screws to hold down the lenses because the defult (little black holders on the left near drill) ones cant make it through this thicker lens =D nice and new
  9. awesome lol well if anything he can grow into it heh might put it on the older nephew
  10. yes! seriously will build my nephew one....though do you know the est range for size for this run lol I got a chunky short nephew
  11. I do wear them but ya would need lots of ventilation and air flow to deal with fogging up or anti fog stuff on glasses like what people mention. =/ I have go through battery and fan set up and just pray my glasses doesnt get knocked off my nose...though I still need to grab more contacts
  12. Cool i'll be saving up the $$ I would like a set whenever you get a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. =P any interest forms on selling some kits? I think I will have a family of blackhole stormtrooper to recruit
  14. mine was painted in gloss and it held up pretty well but it does have lots of scuffs and "battle damage" weathering lol I really dont want to repaint again so I might just either convert it to white again or sell it to get a black cap abs from SC....because I really do like the shine....I like shiny things
  15. '_' i think my sister will kill me for wanting to make one for her kids but the black is really speaking to me...tempting very very tempting
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