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501st Retired[501st]
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About allopez

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    Spanish Garrison

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  1. I'm using iComm with MR1506 and I'm very happy with them. Following ukswrath info I have included everything inside the helmet using hovi mic tips as speakers. You can contact him, he also provide both items. Enviado desde mi ONEPLUS A3003 mediante Tapatalk
  2. I'm using Novus polishing. You have 3 different levels depending on the armor scratch level.
  3. if you want to buy them separately, Aker is available on eBay, Amazon and this kind of stores. Icomm is available at Voicebooster. You have the option to buy everything from ukswrath http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/3964-fs-ukswraths-tx-helmet-audio-system/
  4. Hola Ruth, esas lentes son plata seguro, son las que llevaba yo en mi casco hasta que se partieron por la mitad. Eran bastante rígidas y la tensión de la curvatura las partió. La verdad es que el resultado era espectacular, el reflejo era como un espejo. Son muy difíciles de encontrar actualmente. Yo para sustituirlas lo que he hecho ha sido comprar una lámina para hacer transparencias en una papelería y le he pegado papel autoadhesivo plateado, el reflejo no es tan bueno pero creo que la estética está bastante bien. Foto con las lentes AFX Foto actual con la lámina plateada
  5. I'm using also iComm with hovi speakers from Ukswrath, great stuff!
  6. Looks great the Imperial Cog in the chest plate. Maybe it's easy to include it as optional in the Specialist Requirements,,,,
  7. Welcome to Spec Ops. Blue tube stripes are not allowed, you need to change it for black ones.
  8. I think current Shadow will stand as it is, this will be a new chracter
  9. It's clear that Shadow will be totally different
  10. Now is official the new Shadow version
  11. I think they look pretty cool
  12. I was talking with the guys at The Imperial Supply Depot and it seems they will continue with Karin's work.
  13. Hello, I saw on FB that Karin is not doing Flexible Hand Guards anymore. I know that Trooperbay is doing them, but does anybody knows other vendor for them? If possible I would prefer an EU vendor. Thanks a lot!!
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